Why you

625 9 19

Wow, I actually havent been kidnapped yet. The fuck?
I mean i honestly dont want to but like, it sounds fun and would probably be better then living with onion boy lets be honest.

I eventually gave up though and started walking down the street for awhile to get my mind off things. I can see it now,

"What is up my DramaAlert nation im your host killer keemstar, lets get RIIIIUUUGGGGHHHHHTTT INTO THE NEEEWWWWWSSS. Our first story is about leafyishere and onision hitting it off in their apartment, its heard that they are in an abusive relation ship leading to Leafy running off to unknown areas".

Ahh i can feel the bleach burning my insides now. That gnome can find out about anything, but me and onion boy arnt in a relationship that's just what i would assume he would say. "Stupid gnome.." i mumble under my breathe and my legs shiver, "damn it you dont wear a sweatshirt with shorts like your legs need warmth too!" I yelled and heard a voice, stupidly thinking it was an echo even thought it wasnt even close to what i said, "fuck me!" I yelled expecting an 'echo' but recieved "what are you fucking gay?" and guess who was there, Ian. Fucking ian, kill me now.

"no!" I quickly exclaimed then quickly grabbed a nearby newpaper page and covered my legs. Ian walked closer and toke notice of what i was wearing, "i think you are fucking gay" he smirked and touched my thigh, "PERVERT" i jumped up and stumbled back smacking my hands around, "PEREEEEERRRRRVEERRRRRTTTT".

Ian grabbed my wrists and yanked me up and held them up to about his shoulder length. "let go of me you channel killer" i spat and smirked but ended up receiving a smirk back, "fiesty girl" ian remarked and groped my thigh again, AGAIN leaving me screaming pervert.
"Shut up and follow me little girl"

"Im not a girl ian!"

"Sure you aint"

"Fuck you"

"How about the other way around pretty boy"

"Yay im a boy now"

"Yes you are" ian smirked and pushed me into a white van.
"Ian you never cease to disturb me" i spat once again and got comfortable, "you're not trying to leave? Good boys dont like crossing the line huh"
"What line? Your hairline? I dont see one" i felt a smirk creep on my face once again, "you know you love me"
Ian smirked at the backseat mirror, "what are you fucking gay?"

"Apparently so"

"Fuck you"


The bickering seems like it goes on forever, before i knew it we are here and he helps me out, "watch your step princess"
"Ok ian it was cute and funny at first but now its scary"

"Dont be scared princess im here"



"Fuck you"

And we go on and on, like siblings but siblings dont call eachother princess. Right? I hope not, but lets just hope hes only sticking with the nicknames and hey

Im away from onion boy

Its Ok, You Look Cute. Leafy X OnisionWhere stories live. Discover now