Beautiful Body

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My body shivered as Greg's cold hands explored my exposed arms and legs, "baby girl" Greg growled in my ear, "take off your shirt for me" he whispered. "Please no" I shivered and spoke in a Shakey breath, "I wanna see your beautiful body, your oh so beautiful body.."
I felt him slowly take off the shirt but stopped, "princess" he whispered. I slowly shifted, "look at me when I'm talking to you". I reluctantly looked up, "please don't touch me, I'll call the cops I swear to god!" I snapped and felt a cold hand on my neck, "I'll do whatever I want to do, you're my little girl you hear that?" He yelled at my face and tears ran down my cheeks. I heard the stairs Creek, it was Ian walking down the steps, "oh shit sorry I didn't know y'all were actually going to fuck".
"We're not! Ian please help me!" Greg kissed my neck, "what do you want Ian I'm kinda busy". I sniffled and closed my eyes as I felt Greg caress my inner thigh sending shivers up my spine. I let out a Shakey breath and looked around me.
Ian coughed, "you arnt hurting him are you? Like don't get arrested"
I felt eyes on me knowing it was from Ian. Greg started laughing, "don't worry he'll start wanting it".
" No I won't" I mumbled as I wiggled around, I got off Greg's lap but Ian was already gone by then and locked the door. Greg got up and watched me closely, "where's the bathroom" I stared at him harshly, "excuse you?" I hear him hiss. "I said where is the bathroom I need to use it" I spat back causing a cold hand to travel down my cheek, "The only time you should raise your voice at me is when I'm pushing you against the mattress fucking the life out of you you hear me? You will not speak to me like that you understand?"
I couldn't speak I felt a pair of lips press against my temple an heard footsteps walk past me, getting quieter the father they get away. I look down at myself, the sweater covering more then half my thigh. I started crying and I couldn't stop, I laid on the couch and screamed into the pillow, getting all my fear and anger out on that poor pillow. After about 5 minutes I felt my eyes start to slowly clothes. Before I drifted off I felt a warm body press against me, and arms wrapped around my waist, "sweet dreams princess"

I always had pleasant dreams, my only excape away from the real world, it consisted on people and places that may very well exist but they we're just fragments of my imagination.
I was back home on my computer making videos like always, when the door opened up revealing Niall My old best friend. I screamed and hugged him as he hugged me back, we spun and fell on the bed, "NIALL" I shouted and smiled, but he started to slowly fade away, "Niall?"  I whined as the room went dark. I laid there crying, "come back, I miss you.."

I slowly opened my eyes and wiped the tears from my eyes, I was greeted with a chest and everything slowly started to come to me. I looked up slowly and sighed, I slowly got up and made my way towards the door, I unlocked it and an alarm went off. I stopped then ran to the little keypad and hit it, trying to shut it up. I ended up smashing it and the alarm turned off. Greg still slept on the couch holding a pillow. I opened it all the way and closed it slowly, I started running and never turned back. "I just want all this to stop" I whispered and heard a faint voice, "he's awake"
I kept on running terrified to turn back, I spotted a familiar car, "Ian! Please oh please hide me in your car!" I pleaded with a red tear stained face.
Ian looked confused so I crawled in anyways, "please don't say anything"
Ian sighed and covered me with a blanket and coat. I saw Greg walk up to the window and talk to Ian. Ian shook his head and mouthed, "if I see him I'll call you"
I wiped my face and nuzzled up against the covers, slowly drifting off once more.

Ian's p.o.v
"Yeah yeah, if I see him I'll call you." I scoffed and watched as Greg continued to walk away.
I hoped into the driver's seat and looked back at Calvin, "you're gonna be the end of me kid".
I heard small breaths and smiled to myself, "I'm Soo fucked"

Hello everyone I'm sorry I took SOOO long to update!
If you would like to see a certain plot you're welcome to DM me concepts! I'm open for anything 😂

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