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Calvin looked down for a minute, thinking to himself, "I think I wanna go with you.."

Ian smiled to himself, "I thought you would say that, here hop in" he helped the smaller boy into the van, who started to shiver.

"Lemme see if I have any pants, shorts aren't what you want to he wearing in the middle of February" Ian hummed. Calvin nodded and laid his head against the seat, closing his eyes for only a second and drifted off to sleep.

However the nap didn't last long, the sounds of a engine Starting and the bumps of the road were enough to make the boy stir awake. He looked down at himself and saw he was in some sweats with a blanket,

"Thank you Ian" Calvin hummed, yawning a bit. Ian hummed in response, keeping his eyes on the road. The smaller boy looked out the window, looking at the passing signs and cars. Not too many cars, as it's early in the morning.

"I know he'll find me" Calvin blurted out, Sighing to himself. Ian hummed, "I'll keep you safe as long as I can Calvin, I called the police and-"

Calvin's body jerked, "What do you mean!? Why! Ian he's going to hurt me even more now" the boy shouted. Ian not responding as hes trying to focus on the road. Calvin covered his face, followed up by muffled cries and Ian's heart broke.

"Calvin-" Ian started to speak but was quickly interrupted, "Shut up! Drop me off at the nearest exit" he shouted, wiping the tears off his face.

Ian looked at him, "Calvin I'm sorry" he quickly turned back. There's was traffic up ahead, but Ian was too late and slammed the breaks. Calvin shot forward but Ian's arm stopped him from hitting the dashboard.

Ambulance swung by, Calvin could hear the sirens getting louder until they passed them.
Calvin looked outside the window and around the car. Nothing was wrecked, at least their Vehicle wasn't, a quick glance in front of them Calvin saw what was holding up traffic.

There was a accident up ahead, causing the traffic and the ambulance to swing by.

Calvin was shaking, thinking if it was them that got hurt. Ian unbuckled the smaller boy and pulled him onto hid lap, rocking Calvin he hummed, "I'm so sorry I looked away from the wheel, it was my fault".

Calvin didn't say anything back, and barely moved. He just laid his head against Ian and hummed softly, giving at least a sign of 'i heard you'.

Ian looked at him, "why won't you say something?" He said softly, putting a hand on Calvin's lap.

Calvin whined then held his throat.

It took Ian a minute before he realized.

"My arm hit your throat didn't it.."

A simple nod came from Calvin, who Had tears streaming down his face as his throat started to hurt. He didn't feel anything after being in shock but now that everything started to hit him, so did the pain.

Ian looked at him, "Calvin I'm so sorry, there's a hospital around here and I'll take you too it. I didn't want you to hit your head on the airbag and cause alot more damage."

Calvin nodded and rested a hand on top of Ian's, still able to hum he rested his head on the seat once more and drifted off into a deep sleep.

After what only seemed like 10 minutes, the two pulled up into a hospital and Ian helped Calvin out, the boy was sleepy so he leaned against Ian as he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes.

Ian went to the ER wanting to get Calvin treated as soon as possible. The two sat in the waiting room, Calvin humming softly and rubbing his throat.

Ian looked at him, "don't hum, it may be better for your throat if you just let it rest". Calvin nodded and heard his name be called. The two sat up and followed the short lady, about Calvin's size, lead them to their room.

Calvin sat on the little bed, which Ian sat by looking at Calvin. Calvin looked up at him, smiling softly until he looked away.

The doctor walked in, looking at his clipboard before looking up at Calvin, You two got in an accident and his throat got messed up?"

"Basically yeah" Ian hummed. The doctor lightly touched Calvin's neck and saw a bruise start to form, "yeah something definitely damaged your throat, I recommend you stay mute for at least a few days, to rest it. You don't want to strain it or you might be mute for alot longer".

Calvin looked at Ian worried but nodded at the doctor who wrote down prescriptions. Ian held onto the slip and helped Calvin down, who didn't really need help but couldn't say otherwise.

Walking back to the car Calvin looked over at a mother and a child, around the age of 1-2 run around while she tried to grab him. Calvin smiled and watched the little boy run to him and grab his legs.

Ian picked up the kid and handed it back to the mother. Calvin hummed and smiled softly as they got into Ian's van and drove off.

A car passed by that looked familiar but neither of them seemed to really noticed, or really care after it passed them.

Because little did they know that the car was following them.

Hello everyone, sorry for not updating in awhile. I hope this chapter is good, I know that Calvin is trying to get away from Greg but it won't be that easy :)

He knows all

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