Sugar Daddy

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Jessie groaned and looked at Calvin, "you tricked me didn't you"

Calvin was in a haze but shook his head, Jessie covered him with a blanket and opened the door.

A shorter man, a shorter one than Jessie at least stood at the door, "I saw Calvin walk in here"

Calvins haze went away, it wasn't long lasting he assumed and looked at the door, still slightly woozy.

"Greg-?" He said quietly.whining and holding his throat

Greg looked at Calvin and stopped, "what is going on here- why is his throat hurt-"

Jessie growled, "Business is Happening here now be on your way-"

"Calvin what did you do" Greg looked at him.

Calvin looked for his phone and typed, "Ian owed him money and he didn't have it on it and Jessie said that I could sleep with him instead-"

"How much did Ian owe??"

Jessie growled, "15 Hundred" (1,500)

Greg grabbed his wallet and handed Jessie the money, "Calvin get dressed"

Jessie smiled and counted the money while Calvin scurried and grabbed his clothes.

He ran to Greg, though he's scared of Greg, he was more scared of Jessie and what he want he was going to do.

Greg walked Calvin outside, Calvin whined and pointed, typing, ''Ian''

Greg shook his head, "Calvin he sold you away for sex because he didn't have the money you are not going back"

He snatched Calvin's phone and put it in his pocket, sighing when Calvin tugged and gave out struggled screams

"You're going to hurt yourself you can't even scream- when we get home you'll get back your phone and you'll tell me what happened you understand?"

Calvin sniffled as Greg helped him into the car and stroked his cheek, "calm down you're going to make yourself sick"

Greg shut the door and got into his own seat, starting up the car. "I know you're worried about Ian, but he'll be fine trust me, he can take care of himself"

Calvin didn't answer, nor make any movements to prove he heard Greg.

Greg sighed "here drink this, you're throat must be badly hurt since you tried to scream"

Calvin looked at the cup, giving Greg a suspicious look before taking a sip.

"It's Tea Calvin, and it's not drugged" Greg laughed and laid a hand on Calvin's thigh

Calvin flinched and looked at Greg, his throat felt a little better so he continued drinking the tea, humming to the song on the radio.

"I was kinda getting use to being someone you loved.."

Calvin looked at Greg, smiling softly at his singing.

Greg looked at him and blushed, "I uh like this song"

Calvin smiled and nodded, moving his other thigh over into Greg's touch.

"You like my singing?" Greg hummed.

Calvin nodded and wanted him to continue

"I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug~" he smiled and whistled the melody

Calvin laughed, "you should sing more often"

Greg stopped, "Calvin your voice-"

Calvin smiled, "your tea soothed my throat, it's still sore but I can kitha-kinda speak" he coughed and rubbed his throat.

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