You're kidding

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After a tad bit of walking, i heard ian shuffle and cover my eyes with a blindfold. "IAN!" I yelled at him and attempted to take it off but he pulled my arms down and hushed me.

Seconds later i heard a vehicle pull up and it was loud so maybe a bus? I did recall us last walking up to a bus stop.

Ian grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the bus and sat in the back with me before I could take off the blindfold.

"You keep that on until a say so ok?" He asked me in a calm voice and I nodded holding back tears, "what are you going to do ian?".

No responce.

After about 15 minutes on the bus, or so it seems. I started to fall asleep against Ians shoulder. I shot back up and groan hoping this was all a nightmare.

The bus came to a stop and ian grabbed my wrist. I guess we are here.

I was tugged off then picked up and carried. I wrapped my legs around his waist and slowly fell asleep. Hearing ians breathes as he carried me and continued to walk to whatever our destination may be.

- -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  ✂

I woke up with the blindfold off my face and in a familiar..

"YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT" I yelled and shot up and ran into the living room. Greg was sitting on the couch and looked at me, "hey baby girl have a nice sleep?"

I started crying, "no no no.." my voice cracked, "wheres ian!" I yelled and look around.

Greg looked confused, "ian? Who's ian? Idubbzz?"

I nodded and looked everywhere, "he was here he brought me back! That bitch!".

Greg sat up and walked over to Me, "babe.. Ian doesn't live in seattle. Why would he be here? You were probably just dreaming. Want some coffee?".

I shyly nodded then froze, "NO. I dont want your coffee! You arnt like this!!" I scream then run into my room and slam the door. I jump onto my bed and Slowly woke up.

This time when I woke up ian was still walking, "how long have you been walking..?" I ask as i rubbed my eyes through my blindfold

I felt ian look at me, "15 minutes, why? You gonna actually walk now? "

I scoff and shoke my head, "can't see remember?" I mumble and sighs, "are we almost there yet"

I heard the sound of a door creak open and shut. The blindfold slipped off my face and I was placed down.

"Where are we?" I ask and walked around admired by everything.

"My home." He responded then smirked, "oh and I also have another guest over".

I didn't trust that smirk, "nice place and who's the guest?"

"Take a guess" a smooth voice said, a familiar one if you ask me. That voice belonged to Greg.

"No i knew something was up!!" I yelled and tried to open the door but ian was blocking it, "I shouldn't have trusted you!" I tear up and watched Greg walked closer to me and hug me, "daddys bitch is back"

I hissed at the label and kicked him in the stomach, "bad calvin" greg mumbled then picked me up and rubbed my legs, "so soft, were you cold?" He smiled and expected an answer, "yes.." i whisper and looked at ian then looked away.

Ian reached out his hand for money and greg paid him, "thanks for bringing him back" greg smiles then I felt his hand grip my thigh.

My small form flinched and hooked over his back trying to slowly get away. "Don't touch me you pig!"

Greg stopped and pushed me off of him onto the little table in the middle of the living room, "you do not speak to me like that ever again you hear me!?" He raised his voice and I nodded, "I'm sorry!" I whimpered out then watched him look at my body.

I laid still and looked over. Greg gently strokes my hair and leg, gah my 2 weaknesses.

I looked at Greg in the eyes and gently smile, "fuck you" i jumped onto him with a friendly hug, "this was one of your best pranks greg" i laugh out and looked at ian who smiles. "I KNEW IT" i laugh out and jump.

"You guys were messing with me! God I actually felt emotions" i teared up from laughing then looked at Greg, "never do that again or I will fucking kill you ok?" I smile then sat on the couch.

Greg grabbed me and spread out my legs, "calvin im not playing. Good job" he smiles then grabbed me by the legs and pulled me onto his lap, "you're my bitch and will be my bitch until further notice.

I looked at ian, "i though-" i was interrupted by Ian laughing, "i was smiling bc it wasn't a joke, good luck" he walked off into another room and my heart shattered.

"Have fun"

Crappy chapter! Im sorry I promise I'll fix this one tommorow or soon

Word count including a/n: 854

Its Ok, You Look Cute. Leafy X OnisionWhere stories live. Discover now