Waffles and Coffee

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Still not able to comprehend what happened to me. It seems like a dream, and yet, I know how real it is...it happened.

It's a miserable process meant for young juveniles who refuse to bow down and accept their Alpha's rule. It's meant to break your wolf down. Then, slowly, you're broken down too...until you submit your will to the higher power.

Show your neck in submission. That's what he's done to me, made me bow, tuck tail, turn belly up...expose my neck.

So now he's my Alpha, my leader, my protector. His authority is final.

Quickly dressing in jeans that sag in the ass. I must've lost thirty pounds easily. My curves are gone, and I'm nothing but bones and skin. I never realized how close to death I was.

I'm still weakened by my ordeal and even the simple effort of dressing has me exhausted.

Deciding I need food more than I need to lock myself away from the others. I'm going to be part of this pack whether I like it or not.

Walking down the stairs slowly, my legs still feel unsure of themselves...wobbly.

My eyes flick around the kitchen. It's already warm from the cooking. The smell of waffles and coffee makes my stomach rumble. How long have I been without my coffee?

Standing at the entrance, watching an older lady preparing the morning meal. Other females are setting the table, scurrying around, fixing dishes, stewing the table. They look content, fulfilled. Their conversation flows easy, light on the ears. It makes me homesick for my own family and friends.

"There you are! We were hoping you would come down for breakfast." The older lady with streaks of grey in her black hair greets me in the Old Way, pressing her cheek against mine in a show of acceptance.

Placing my cheek against hers as a show of my acceptance of her. That has her beaming. Smiling from ear to ear, she takes my hand and leads me to my place on the right side of the head of the table.

"You poor thing." There's a hint of sympathy in her voice. "Look at you, all skin and bones. I made waffles with blueberries. I'm going to fix you up a plate." Her eyes flash a hint of silver, the same eyes as the Northerner. This must be his mother. "I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you before the boys came back from their training."

Taking a seat, I'm swiftly given a stack of waffles no human or wolf could possibly eat.

"Thank you." The way my voice sounds still catches me by surprise.

"Please eat, don't wait for us. It looks like a good wind could blow you away from us any minute. Eat. Go on, it's okay."

Picking up the maple syrup, drizzling it on the warm waffles. My knife cuts into the crunchy outer crust, revealing a soft fluffy interior. Placing the piece on my tongue, savoring the flavor, the texture, how utterly amazing this food tastes at this moment. I close my eyes, almost crying with the pure bliss this brings me.

The feeling of my hand being squeezed has me peeking an eye open.

"It's going to be okay. I know, I've been exactly where you are now," she states matter-of-factly.

"Your mate did this to you?" I question her in surprise, placing another bite in my mouth.

"He sure did, when he pulled me from my parents' home. I remember I wouldn't listen to him, follow any orders. I was a raging she-wolf. Now mind you, I only lasted three weeks in that collar." Her body shivers with the memory. "But, in the end, all of us Lunas submit. It's in our very nature to submit to our Alphas. You, my dear, lasted longer than any Luna known on record. Three months, and two weeks. You should be proud of that."

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