Nevers All You Know

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**Jacks POV**

A big wave was coming crashing towards us, Alex got scared and jumped into my arms. Her beautiful blue eyes were staring into mine. In that moment, nothing else mattered but her. I leaned in and kissed her. Once we pulled back after what seemed to be a minute, she tried to speak, "Jack, I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"No, no beautiful it's ok," I said comforting her.

We spent another hour at the beach, when 4 familiar faces showed up, it was Zach, Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel. "Where's Maddie?" Alex asked them all. Daniel moved forward and pulled Alex out of my arms, I tried to grab her back but he was too quick.

"Jack, I need to talk to her, in private," he said looking down at her. I looked at Alex to see if she was okay with it, she nodded her head.

**Alex's POV**
Jack and I were running around like 5 year olds when he started staring at the hill, the 4 boys were walking towards us. Jack grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. I didn't see Maddie so I asked where she was. Daniel grabbed me from Jacks grip, pulling me away from the group. Jack started to chase after him, "Jack, I need to talk to her in private."

Jack gave me a look to confirm that I was okay with it, I just nodded my head. He left go of me and I walked back to the top of the hill with him. "Look, Alex I know I fucked up, Maddie doesn't mean anything to me. When I told you I was done with her I was. She kissed me, not the other way around. After you left I pushed her away, I really meant it when I said I wanted another chance with you."

I couldn't focus on anything, I felt light headed. Everything was spinning, the last thing I saw was Daniels blue eyes before everything turned black.

**Daniels POV** (I know who thought?)
By the time I finished explaining the situation to Alex, she wasn't herself. I kept asking if she was okay, by the 3rd time she fainted. I caught her before she fell on the floor. I carried her down the hill when Jack started screaming at me, "DANIEL WHAT DID YOU DO?" He started running at me, grabbing Alex from my hands. He took her into his car and he drove off, I guess to the hospital. The guys and I drove behind him, following him to the hospital.

By the time we made it to the hospital it was 8:39. Jack ran inside to get help and a few nurses and doctors came out putting her onto a cart. They drove her inside and place her into a room, we all stayed 'til the doctor explained what happened to her.

"She hasn't been eating, at all. Looks like she was under some stress and it prevented her from eating," the doctor said. The only explanation was I caused this, I put her under stress.

"Now, you may all go in, but be quiet. She is still recovering."

We all walked towards her door entrance, Jack went in first, then me, then Zach, Corbyn, and Jonah. There she was, laying with wires and tubes in her body. "Can you guys give Daniel and I a moment alone," I heard Alex say.

Everyone walked out, I went up to her and gave her a hug. "Princess, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do this to you."

"Dani, it wasn't you, a few months back before I moved to LA, I was anorexic. I guess it just came back once we got into a fight."

"I missed you so much."

I went outside and told everyone to come back in. Zach, Corbyn, and Jonah walked in. Jack came in last and glared at me. Alex smiled when she saw Jack.

**Alex's POV** (sorry for changing it so much)
Jack walked in, I was so happy to see him. "JACKIE," I yelled when I saw him. He gave me a hug, a little to tight and I groaned.


"When am I aloud to leave?" I asked the doctor who walked in.

"Tonight actually, once we get some food into you."

The nurses came in with food and water. They all left Jack and I together to talk. I didn't eat, cause I wasn't hungry. "A, please eat?"

"I'm not hungry, but once we get back to the house I promise ill eat."

The boys and I went back to their place, Daniel carried me on his back. He was running around, hopping places. I missed him so much. He took me inside and place me on the couch. The boys went upstairs to change, while Jack stayed with me. "Alex, will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?"

"Yes," I said with a smile on my face.

I went to go change in my PJs and I walked out of the room I was staying in. I turned and saw all 5 boys wearing the same thing, a white t shirt and plaid pants. I was wearing the same things, but with shorts. "Awe we're cute," Corbyn said carrying me down the stairs.

They turned a horror film on, my least favorite. Great. I sat with Jonah cause why not? Anytime there was a scary scene I turned my head into his chest, he patted my head and laughed.

LAME ENDING!! don't forget to vote, comment, and share.
Thanks lovelies <3
XxX Monika

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