Kept Apart

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Sorry for not updating yesterday. <3

I woke up with a smiling Daniel in my face. "Good morning Princess."

"Good morning Mr. Seavey," I said looking at him. He leaned in and kissed me. I got up and showered, but I remembered my clothes were on the bed. I ran out before getting undress nd grabbed my clothes.

"Princess, you want some company?" He said smirking at me.

"I'll be fine Mr. Seavey."

I got undress and hopped into the shower, I let the cold water run on my body before taking my shower. I got dressed and dried my hair, I opened the bathroom door to let Daniel know I was done. He looked up and walked into the bathroom, while I was still doing my hair. He came up behind me and placed his hands on my waist. I wanted to sit there forever, but someone had to ruin the moment.

"Hey. Alex mom wants you down-, woah what's happening?" my little sitter busted into my room. She looked at me and staring at Daniel, we just looked at each other laughing. "Well?"

"Sofia, we're hugging. That's what normal couples do don't they?" I said laughing at her.

"You two are a couple now?" She asked. "MOOOOM, THEY'RE FINALLY DATING!"

She ran down the stairs, screaming. Once we were done laughing he turned to me. "So I guess we don't have to worry about telling them?"

"Oh, you do. Wait 'til my dad finds out I'm dating again," I said looking down.

"Princess, why the sad face?" He said pulling my head up.

"Before I moved out to LA with Maddie, I was in a 3 year relationship with my Ex, Chris. He verbally and physically abused me. Once my dad found out about it, he forced me to break up with him. He also got him put in jail, but he was released recently."

"Awe, princess I'm sorry," He said comforting me.

"I'm just worried being here, he might come back," I said letting a tear come out. He wiped the tear off my face and kissed my cheek.

"I wont let him hurt you," Daniel said and he pulled out of our hug.

"My dad, he doesn't want me dating. He might not like you," I said worried.

"We can deal with that later," he said picking me up and carrying me to the bed. He threw me onto the bed and started tickling me.

"NO DANIEL STOP," I said laughing.

"Who's the sexiest man alive?" he asked still tickling me.

"Oh, that's easy, it's Zac Efron," I said staring dead in his blue eyes. He started tickling me again. "OK OK IT'S YOU," I said screaming. He stopped tickling me, he started leaning in. I leaned in 'til I was about an inch away from his face, then I rolled off the bed.

"Awe, I wanted that to be a moment," he said looking all sad.

I got off the floor and kissed him. "Let's go get some breakfast," I said as I pulled away.

"Ok," he said as he picked me up. He carried me downstairs and my sister and mom stared at us.

"So, you two are a thing now?" She said looking and Daniel and I.

I looked at Daniel and grabbed his hand, "I guess we are."

He looked over at me and smiled. He continued to carry me down the step and we walked into the kitchen, he put me down on the counter. "So what do you want princess?"

"Princess?" I heard a loud voice boom. My dad walked down in his robe with his eyes still droopy, looking like he just woke up. I guess he didn't have work today.

"Yes dad, he called me princess," I said glaring at him.

"No, I wont allow it, not after Chris," he said standing across from me.

"Dad, he's different, a lot different. He cares about me a lot," I said arguing with my father.

"No, I wont allow it, he can stay here, but you can't date."

"No, I'm almost 18, you cant control who I date, If I love him. Then that's my choice."

Daniel grabbed my hand, I squeezed it. I was afraid of this.

"I said no, and that's my final choice."

"I HATE YOU," I said screaming and running up the stairs.

Daniel followed me and shut the door. I started crying into his chest. "Princess, its ok, he cant keep us apart."

"Really?" I said looking at him.

"Yes, I love you no matter what," He said looking into my eyes.

"I love you too," I said jumping out of his arms, "we can't stay here, or I can't stay here."

"Ok we can leave," he said looking at me. I felt a panic attack coming.

I dropped onto the floor, crying. I knew this would happen with my dad, I loved him but he can't control me. I couldn't breathe, I fell onto the floor again wheezing.

"Princess? PRINCESS?" Daniel screamed at me, I couldn't see anything. I felt him pick me up and carry me down the steps.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I heard my mom scream. I could heard everyone, but I couldn't respond.

"She had a panic attack and fell on the floor."

"Dave! (A/N The dads name) GET DOWN HERE!" My mom screamed, I could here in her voice she was crying.

"I'm gonna drive her to the hospital," Daniel said. Man I loved this boy so much.

"Ok, that's fine. We'll follow behind you," My mom said.

I felt Daniel running again, I was set down in the back of his car. He buckled me up, then hopped into the drivers seat.

"It's gonna be okay, princess."

Once we got to the hospital, Daniel grabbed me again. He ran inside and called for help. I couldn't remember the rest.

**TIME SKIP** (5 hours later)

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, it was a hospital. I looked up to see wires and needles in my body. I pushed the button on my bed that called a nurse, in came running the nurse and doctor. Then my mom, dad, and some boy ran in. They were talking in the corner, they were whispering, so I couldn't hear.

**Daniel's POV**
"The family of Alexis Worthy?" I heard a nurse call, I jerked my head up and walked towards the nurse. "She's awake."

Her mom, dad, and I ran into the room Alex was in, there she was again. With wires and needles poking her body. The doctor pulled us into the corner and started whispering, "With the attack, she will have some minor amnesia, she wont remember people or anything in the past 6 months."

My heart sank, she would remember her parents, but not me, or the boys. We walked over to where Alex was laying, she smiled once she saw her parents, then looked at me confused.

"Who's that?" She said smiling at me.

"Honey, that's Daniel. He's your boyfriend," Her mom said pointing at me.

"Wow, my boyfriend is this cute?" she said smiling at me again.

I blushed and laughed, I loved her so much. The doctor pulled us over once again and said, "She will need help remembering anything she's forgotten. Help her by showing her pictures and telling her stories. It should come back in about 3-4 days."

"Thank you doctor," Her dad said.

We walked back over to Alex and took her home.
AHHH I cried so much making this chapter.
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Stay Beautiful <3
XxX Monika

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