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I'm sorry to sad, this story will be ending in 5-7 chapters. BUT IM MAKING A SEQUEL. The title is a making in the process, but I want all of you to comment what you think I should name the sequel. NOW ONTO THE STORY BITCHES!
I got off of the couch and went over to Daniel in the kitchen, he boosted me up onto the counter. The doorbell rang and Jonah's face lit up, he ran over to the door and opened it.

"MEGHAN!" I heard him yell.

Daniel ran over towards the door and left me on the counter. Who was this Meghan girl? Jonah came back into the kitchen with Meghan on his back, and Daniel has her suitcase. He took it up stairs and came back down.

"Hi, my names Meghan," she said, "I'm Jonah's sister."

"Hi, I'm Alex," I said smiling weakly.

Jack, Zach, and Corbyn walked nonchalantly (A/N oh honey I had to Google this like 100 times before I could spell it right.) and hugged Meghan. Jack pulled me aside.

"They had a thing last summer, they dated for awhile 'til they ended things calmly. They promised to stay friends" he said.

It was like a stab in the head, Daniels ex staying in the same house as him. Summer was almost over, I was waiting for it to be over so I could go to college, CSU. (California State University)

I planned on going with Maddie, but I had gotten a letter from Ohio State University, a school that much closer to my family. I moved out to Cali so I could go to college, but maybe this wasn't my place.

Jack and I joined back in the group and we talked for awhile, I stayed silent unless someone asked me a question.

By the time everyone was done catching up, I had given up on talking to Daniel so I took a shower and slept. I might have been asleep, but one thing I knew for sure, Daniel never came to bed last night.

**Next Morning**
I woke up to Jack shaking me. I was in the middle of a good dream, I don't remember what it was, but it was good.

"Wake up, we've gotta go to Logan's," he said.

I didn't move, then Daniel spoke up.

"I've got this," he said, "WAKE THE F*CK UP."

I jolted up and slammed my head into Daniel arm, which was about to slap my forehead.

"Oh you've done it now Seavey," I gritted through my teeth. I jumped up and chased after him, I looked around and saw the drum kit. Then the flashback came through, Daniel hated the sound of me playing drums, so it would draw him out of hiding. I ran over to the drum and sat down, placed my foot on the bass and started beating away.

"AHHHHHHHH," I heard around the corner.

Daniel fell out of a corner covering his ears.

"A HA I KNEW IT," I screamed.

I dropped the drumsticks and walked over to Daniel, threw myself in his arms and kissed him for a good minute.

"Ew kisses to yourself," Zach came in and whined.

"Just cause you're too young for a girlfriend, doesn't mean I cant kiss mine," Daniel said.

"Ouch," I said making a hissing sound.

Just then Jonah ran in with Corbyn, he screamed, "THE FLOOR IS LAVA."

In instinct I ran over to the kitchen counter and practically flew myself on top of it.

"Oh no Daniel you're in the lava," Zach yelled.

He fell to the floor, with Corbyn recording it all.

"NO NOT MY BABY," I screamed and jumped off the counter.

"Now you're in the lava," Jonah said.

"I don't care, at least I'm in the lava with him," I said looking over my shoulder at Daniel.

"Ew," Jack said.

"Don't hate me cause you ain't me," Daniel said getting up.

"Where's Meghan?" I asked. I hadn't seen her around for awhile.

"She's getting some clothes," Jonah said.

"Hey Dani, can I talk to you. Alone," I said. I was going to ask him about last night.

"Oh you've done it now Seavey," Corbyn joked.

I took his hand and took him to his room.

"Daniel, you never came to sleep last night, where were you?" I asked.

"Oh, um, I was kinda with Meghan. I took her to Starbucks and we caught up on a few things," he said holding his neck.

I knew Daniel, holding his neck is something he did when he lied.

"Jack told me about you and Meghan's past relationship, how you loved her more than everything. He also told me before we met, that you were still chasing after her. Am I just your second choice?" I said, whipping a tear from my eye. I know I should trust him, but look what happened to Maddie and him.

"Lex, you're definitely not my second choice," he said holding my hand.

I walked out of his room, grabbed my keys, and drove to Maddie's. I needed some girl time.

**Daniels POV**
Last night Meghan and I had stayed up, partying at a night club. Then we crashed on the couch and woke up early.

She left, just got up and left. I chased after her, but she was gone. The boys and Meghan had crowded around me.

"Just giver her time to cool off," I told them all.

We all just went about our day and had fun, 'til 11 o'clock came and Alex still wasn't home.

"Yo Daniel I'm worried," Jack said pacing back and forth.

"Check find my iPhone," Zach said.

''Wow Zach said something smart," I said taking out my phone.

"Why is she at Logan's?" Jonah asked.

"Probably needed somewhere to stay," I said.

We drove to Logan's and Meghan tagged along, she was my ex, but I had no feelings for her what so ever. Once we got to Logan's apartment complex, we ran up to his floor and started banging on his door, like loud banging. I guess he was asleep cause no one answered, not even Brandon or Evan. Just then Maddie came down the hall.

"EXCUSE ME, ITS 11 AT NIGHT CAN YOU SHUT UP!" she screamed. "Oh it's you guys."

That was it, she wasn't at Logan's, she was with Maddie. We ran, dragging Maddie with us, to her apartment. We all slammed the door open, there lay Alex on the floor, unconscious.


I just released my new story "Sunset Academy // Jack Avery" feel free to check it out for me!

Don't forget to comment, vote, and share.

Stay Beautiful, Monika <3

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