The Hotel (Amy)

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Amy's POV

This room is disgusting but it's what we have. It is like something out of a horror movie with peeling wallpaper and broken lights.

"This is nice?" Katherine asks like she doesn't know the answer. This isn't ideal but we are all together.

"What are you two doing?" Didn't last a minute without an argument, great.

"Chilling." Dani responds casually. I look and Lauren and Dani are just lying in the bed not seeming to be bothering anyone.

"Get off of that bed." I turn to Captain Christina and don't understand her anger towards the two. Lauren shoots up.

"Why?" Dani snarkily replies grabbing Lauren back down to the bed.

"Because I said so." Christina announces like she's the queen or something.

"Lauren Christine. What is so funny?" I hadn't heard Lauren laugh but apparently Christina noticed.

"You two." She admits but is in ridicule mode again.

"And what is so funny about us?" Christina asks with so much power in her voice that I back away.

Knowing that we are no help to this conversation Katherine, Lisa and I leave the small room. Lisa is smiling for some strange reason. We stand awkwardly before Christina comes out. Katherine and I are the only two paying attention because Lisa is leaning against the wall in her own world.

What could she be thinking about?

"Guys they ganged up on me in there." Christina slides down the wall of the building.

"We are bonding." I lie at the real reason we left. It was awkward.

"They bonded even if it was against you." Katherine responds putting out her hand for Christina.

"Lisa! Go talk them back into reality." Lisa's brown eyes snap back to reality also. She's expecting the person that was just off in her own world to talk the others back into reality.

"What did they do?" I was wondering the same thing.

Why is Christina so rattled by this?

"Dani claimed that she wants Lauren as her guardian."

She's lost control.

"I'll go talk to them." Lisa smiles while going in.

I play with my hands waiting in silence for Lisa to come back out.

"These are their demands." Lisa hands Christina a list.


"Yes, and I don't think you can fulfill them." Lisa is still grinning like the Joker. Christina holds it low enough so I can read with her.

Demands - Underline (Dani) Bold (Lauren)

-Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

-If we think you are mean to us you have to apologize profusely saying how we are the best people ever.

-Allow us to stay up as late as we want without yelling



-Kiss one of your sisters on the lips

"I'm not doing that." Christina points to the last one. I actually find this kind of funny.

"Let Lauren own Dani. We shouldn't want her anymore." Ouch, that's cold.

"What did you do?" Lisa is watching for our reactions and I know she was the mastermind behind this plan.

"I just really wanted to see you do some of these." She jokes ticking Christina off. At first, I think Christina is going to slap her but she turns her head to look in the room.

"You let them leave?" Her eyebrows shoot up in both frustration and shock.

"What it was a funny prank." It's so harmless. I can't picture the three of them ever coming up with something mean though.

"But now our two youngest sisters are out in the middle of nowhere." She points out but she doesn't seem to be caring a lot about them right now.

"Don't worry one of them is an adult." Lisa pushes Christina over the edge causing her to go inside.

"What actually happened in there?" Katherine asks and I was wondering the same thing.

"Let's just say that this trip is working." Yay! I knew it would work. Now we have to fix the rest of our relationships.

We walk back into the room and I feel daggers shooting from Christina's eyes. Luckily her attention is turned because of a knock on the door.

Christina opens it revealing Lauren and Dani, "What kind of sick minds do you two have?" Christina says gritting her teeth.

"What do you mean?" Lauren says acting like she forgot what they wrote down. I can see that it makes Christina even more angry.

"It is too gross to repeat." Christina spits out.

"So, Lauren still owns me?" Dani asks and I see a sparkle in her eyes.

"Of course, she does. I don't want to own your twos minds." Christina responds. I don't think she understands that they were just having fun.

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