The Notes (Lisa)

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I sit in the passenger seat while Christina has the gleam in her eye that hints that she won't be very good at compromising. Something's off though she looks more guarded, jaded even. I study the side of her face trying to figure out what happened to her.

"Okay what are we going to tell the parents?" She interrupts the silence, not seeming phased at all by me.

"The truth?" I sound uncertain because what else would we tell them.

"But we are on opposite sides of the truth." I roll my eyes not answering her because the opposite side of the truth is a lie.

"I'm on God's side your on the sinning side." I open my mouth, trying to form words but fail to even expel air.

"PULL OVER!" I finally manage to come up with something. She must notice the seriousness in my voice because she quickly listens.

"What?" Christina turns to me some sort of anger in her green eyes, it doesn't seem to be directed at me though. I definitely have some directed at her.

"Repeat and listen to the sentence you told me." I demand and by the expression that clouds her face she already forgot what she said.

"I don't remember, kind of on autopilot." She shrugs and I can't believe how rude her autopilot is.

"You just called three of your sisters sinners, me Lauren and Dani." She shrugs again but I see something fighting within herself. "When did you change Christina? When did you start to treat us more like enemies instead of sisters because it definitely didn't just start over that camping disaster." Tears escape her eyes, but it is like she doesn't even notice just staring at, or through me. "The worst part is that you broke them, they looked up to you and love you, but you give them nothing but hate back. Did you see how desperate Dani's green eyes were yesterday? They wanted your approval more than anything in the world." She sniffles opening her mouth, but quickly closing it and I want to know what she was going to respond.

"Spit it out." I demand as she closes her eyes.

"I don't know what I have done to deserve them as my little sisters. I don't know why they still love me. I don't know why I hate them, why I feel something so relieving when I yell at them. I don't know why I'm the worst sister in the world. I don't know if I can change that. I really don't think I can." My jaw slowly drops at her thinking that, okay she might have been horrible to them but I know for a hundred percent fact that the two girls love her.

"Chris, they don't see you like that." At least I don't think so. "You are both of their idols."

"I don't believe you. I've done nothing to deserve it." She wipes some stray tears off her face, her expression starting to close off again.

No get through to her Lisa.

"Do you remember who your younger sisters are?" I ask, not expecting a response. "A little naïve, stupid at times, wear their hearts on their sleeves, and most importantly, love everyone." She chuckles while nodding.

"Let me tell you a story about Dani." I smile thinking of the memory. "One day Dani was working on homework her eyebrows furrowed so I thought she was working on math and needed help. I crept up behind her seeing that it was a picture and an essay, at least for a six year old, that was taking up all of her attention. 'Dan what are you working on?' I asked and she turned around quickly, her eyes lighting up. 'I'm supposed to choose what I want to be when I grow up.' She answered and I expected something like a doctor or the president but it was you Christina. She wanted to be just like you." Christina has a smile on her face looking a little broken but jubilant at the same time. "She wrote something along the lines of this, 'This is Chrissy, my older sister, her name is Christina but that's what I call her. She's sixteen years old and my favorite person in the world, but don't tell anyone else they'll get jealous. Anyways, I want to be her because she is so selfless, she takes all of us to the park whenever we want to. She plays with us, especially me and I love that. She makes people smile and I want to make people smile, I want to make people happy.' Part of that is still in her." I finish as I see a mixed expression on Christina's face. It's like she's trying to pick which way to go, left or right.

"Thanks Lisa but that still leaves Lauren." She's so oblivious to the world sometimes.

"Lauren CHRISTINE, you mean." She smiles her eyes lighting up. "You guys share a birthday, that's special in itself. You guys are Batman and Robin and would Robin ever go off on his, in this case her, on leaving Batman behind to do all the saving of the city by himself? No because I mean I think Robin is a little dependent on Batman and would do anything even die for Batman. So your little assistant, otherwise known as Lauren, will always be there for you." I finish my explanation as she silently starts the car a scowl now on her face.

What did I do wrong?

We reach the door, "Promise you won't do anything stupid." I search her green eyes looking for a lie.

"I promise I'm GOING to do something stupid." She ends knocking on the door.

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