The Three Musketeers Died

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"You said you'd never leave us." Dani complained not trying to hide her broken heart.
"I'm living in the same town." Lisa argued but she saw the look on her two sister's faces and did not believe her own words.
"Why?" Lauren asked while wiping tears off of her face. She could not get away that easily, with that stupid of an answer.
"I'm an adult, I need to move out of our parents house." Lisa reasoned because the girls were fourteen and sixteen making them still children.
"L E A V E!" Dani felt a fire send through her entire body that caused her to physically sweat.
"What?" Lisa asked taken aback by Dani's sudden outburst.
"Can you not spell? I told you to leave." Dani repeated feeling the tears running down her cheeks. Lisa noticed Dani's wet face shining in the light of the new house and felt horrible. Lauren couldn't even respond but had the same thoughts as Dani. Her presence was torturous and unhealthy.
Lisa got into her car and cried not even caring enough to move out of the driveway.
Her phone beeped.
Fetus - I told you to leave.
She looked up at the window of the two's room and saw disappointed green eyes staring back. Dani's hands quivered while texting it but she knew she couldn't rest without making her leave.
"Did we really have to be that mean?" Lauren asked staring at the wooden underside of Dani's top bunk.
"She started it." Dani fought back but she knew she was in the wrong also.
Lauren's tearstained face gave her a look of disapproval before looking back up to the bed. Dani felt a little like she had lost something.
She sat next to Lauren, "What would you have done?" Dani's green eyes stared into Lauren's brown ones. Neither of them at that moment knew that they both liked each other but both of them wanted the other to be happy with all of their hearts.
"Cry." Lauren responded softly knowing that was what she was going to do until she finally got over Lisa. Lisa taught her the lesson of crying about something until your sick of crying about it.
"Besides that, we've already started that." Dani wiped the tears off of Lauren's face making her smile.
"Nothing, she would've left eventually." Lauren responded making Dani realize something. Dani realized that Lauren always pretended not to care about the things that hurt her the most. The two girls sat in a knowing silence agreeing that Lisa leaving them was the worst thing that had happened in a long time.

Lisa got home slamming the door almost off it's hinges.
"Lisa Michelle!" Christina yelled from the living room where she was sitting. Lisa did not bother to explain herself or care enough to acknowledge her words. This worried Christina and she followed Lisa into her room. Amy and Katherine were out buying some knick knacks for their rooms.
"Lisa?" Christina found the girl lying on her bed face stuffed into her pillow. Her fists were clenched, knuckles white, and nails piercing her own skin. "What happened?" Christina softly asked sitting on Amy's bed. She knew she was at the parent's house because she had to pick up a box that accidentally stayed there. The fact that she didn't even have the box and ignored her was troublesome.
"I broke my promise." Lisa responded not looking at Christina too ashamed of herself.
"What promise?" Christina asked confused about the condition of her sister.
"To Dani and Lauren." She responded and Christina was still confused but they were all having dinner at the parent's house because there was no food in the apartment.

"Dani! Lauren! You have to come and be respectable at the dinner." The two girls stared at each other knowing that they couldn't get out of it but they knew they would have to see Lisa.
"Coming." Dani croaked back still heart broken. There was no way that the two could hide their tears seeing their blotchy faces and messy hair.
"We can try." Lauren decided for the two of them knowing that they would be bombarded by questions.
"What is taking you two so long!" Another yell came as Dani was putting on the last of her makeup while Lauren straightened her hair. The two looked in the mirror and they did it, they did not look sad.
"Finally." The family huffed as the two girls came down holding their breath not able to respond. Christina was staring at the two intently wanting to know what Lisa meant about breaking her promise. The girls seemed fine, no tears or anything.
"What were you talking about?" Christina leaned over to Lisa who was looking at her food.
"What?" Lisa asked not having looked at her youngest sisters.
"They look fine." Christina pointed to the two girls who were pretend smiling while also pretend eating their food.
"They were crying when I left them." Lisa admitted confused about her sisters rapid change in behavior. At the end of dinner though she noticed that both of their plates were almost full. The two girls scurried upstairs.
"We pulled it off." Dani said disappointedly because she still felt horrible. Lauren wiped the unknown tears on Dani's face. Lauren nodded getting ready for bed too tired to socialize with her family anymore.
"Aren't we supposed to go back down there?" Dani asked knowing that their presence was expected. Lauren shook her head no as Dani went back downstairs not wanting to but having to.
"Dani, where's Lauren?" They asked and Dani faked a smile.
"She doesn't feel very good." She lied getting a sympathetic look from Lisa.

Dani whipped out her phone texting Lisa the explanation.

Fetus - Don't worry your sickness hit me also.

Lisa read the text tears going into her eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Katherine asked Lisa who quickly put her phone away.
"Nothing." Lisa lied and Katherine knew something was up.

"Can I go upstairs I don't feel very good either?" Dani whispered to her parents.
"Hope you two feel better." They fell for it as Dani raced upstairs.
"Took you long enough." Lauren's voice rang out from her bed but it sounded like she had been crying. Dani smiled at Lauren's joke locking the door behind her.
"You sent me down there." Dani complained getting a grin out of Lauren.
"No, I told you you didn't have to go, you went anyways." Lauren choked on the last word along with Dani thinking about Lisa.
A knock sounded on the door, "Dani? Lauren?" Lisa's voice came from the other side. Dani opened the door her make up a mess from thinking about her broken heart again.
"WHAT?" Dani asked getting a shocked look from her sister.
"I came up to tell you that everyone hopes that you guys feel better and we are leaving." Lisa looked at Dani's face now knowing that both her and Lauren had hid their tears. Lauren laid on the bed but raised her head meeting Lisa's brown eyes getting even a sadder look out of her.
"Everyone?" Dani asked wondering where their parents were going.
"Yes, they want to see our new place." Dani and Lauren wanted to see it also but they knew they weren't invited.
"Oh, okay." Dani closed the door leaving Lisa alone. Dani slid against the door not having the strength to walk over to the bed. Lauren watched her from the bed knowing that she felt the same way. Lauren took a picture of the sad Dani and sent it to Lisa captioning it 'how dare you.' Before closing her eyes feeling the tears stream down her face.

Lisa got the text while sitting in the back of the parents car and audibly gasped getting stares from the entire car.
"Lise are you okay?" Amy asked since she was sitting next to her.
"Yeah, just a disturbing picture." Lisa lied because she was a lot more phased than the picture. Amy pick pocketed Lisa before they went to bed that night. She opened her text messages from Lauren and Dani knowing that this must be her problem. She saw Dani and gasped and was sent another text from Dani.

'you didn't just hurt me' Now it was a picture of Lauren. Her tear stained face stuck in a frown with her eyes closed. Amy dropped the phone on the ground and was scared it would wake Lisa up. She scurried back to her bed thinking, "What did Lisa do?"

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