"Uncle" Amy

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"Dan, you're shaking." I tell Dani who is litterally bouncing in her spot. Secretly I'm torn at what I'm supposed to feel. I mean Dani is so much more happy than she has been recently but the two girls break each other's hearts. I am going to take Dani's side and try to be happy for her.
"I'm just excited." She answers her goofy smile plaguing her face. That's my favorite face on her.
"Good, I love that smile." I tell her and as I finish the doorbell rings.
I don't feel like speaking to the shorthaired girl at the moment so I occupy myself with my phone. I love Lisa but we are on opposite sides on this war.
COME OVER! DANI AND LAUREN GET THEIR CASTS AND SLING OFF TODAY AND LAUREN IS COMING BACK SO ITS A WELCOME HOME AND YAY FOR HEALTH PARTY. I text in my signature all caps to try to sound excited for the girls. Maybe Dani will actually do things then. The older girls don't even know how either o the girls are. Dani reminds me of Jack Skellington from "Nightmare Before Christmas." Obviously not as skeletal looking or as scary looking but she is pretty much skin and bones. Niether of the girls reply so I wonder if they are actually coming. I go to tell the boys that Dani and Lauren are coming home healthy because they missed Lauren, and Dani even though she was here.
I walk into the boy cave, "Guys, remember Lauren and Dani are getting their casts off today." I tell them and their eyes light up.
Joey speaks up first, "Will Dani actually come out of her room now?" He asks a hopeful sadness prevalent in his eyes.
"I hope so buddy." I tell him wanting Dani to come out of his room probably less than Joey but still a lot.
"And Lauren's coming back?" Nick asks and I smile softly. The little boys get along together great but they do love their little older sisters.
"Lisa's making her." I answer and Christian's smile falls. I know why because it means Lauren doesn't want to come back. "So you boys be ready for anything." I warn them and they nod simaltaniously.
I walk bakc downstairs hearing the doorbell ring but hear the boys thundering footsteps and go to turn the news on instead.
Maybe they have friends coming over.
It is the weather and I am really intrigued but horrified seeing how many people were displace by hurricanes recently. An entire island was practically wiped out. Mother nature is beautiful and horrible at the same time. Snowflakes falling on peoples tongue on Christmas and the canyons that are carved by the treacherous rivers. These are countered by hurricanes and blizzards. I've never been in either a hurricane or a blizzard but being either trapped in my home or having to run away as quickly as possible don't sound too great.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim seeing my two eldest sister walk into the room. "How are you?" Katherine dryly laughs not sounding good. She sits next to me though which is probably a good sign. She's not staring daggers at me or anything.
"My eyes are swollen but otherwise I'm fine." Katherine responds and I look at her red eyes which look painful.
"That's good, I guess?" It doesn't sound like the worst thing that could happen to someone. "Christina, how about you?" I ask the usual second most talkative person in the group. I definitely the loudest but Dani and Christina beat me at talking. It's like they always have something to say.
"A little nervous to be honest." Christina responds shocking me. She didn't come up with some noble lie trying to make her seem better. Maybe that exercise really worked on her.
"Well, you came on a good day!" I try to lighten their moods. "Dani was happy this morning, happy!" I inform them but it doesn't seem to do anything for their spirits.
"That's great!" Christina says half as excited as me but trying.
"Why?" Katherine asks me and can't a person be happy with no reason.
"She gets to see Lauren." I explain but they both seem to be confused at this. Have they forgotten that the two girls love each other? Or at least Dani loves Lauren still.
"Do we get to see Lauren?" Christina asks making me smile. She wants to see her little sisters that's an improvement.
"Yeah, Lisa's making her come back." I blurt out and realize by their wide eyes that they didn't know that Lauren was gone. I mean I think they knew that something was wrong but not that Lauren literally hadn't been here for three weeks.
"Come back?" Katherine asks and I feel my chest tighten up.
"Oh, Lisa didn't tell you." I was hoping it wouldn't fall onto me because it scares me every time I think about it. "Lisa has been the only one to see Lauren since the accident. I don't even know where Lauren has been, but it isn't here." I try to summarize it not adding the Dani situation. "Where was she?" I wonder and realize that I never really tried to figure out. I never pressed Lisa about wondering where she was. I just went with it not caring about seeing my younger sister. I'm a horrible person.

"I'll text Lisa." I want to distract myself from my thoughts. It has also been longer than I think it would take.

Where are you?

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