Sleeping Beauty (Lisa)

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Lisa's POV
"How's my sleeping beauty?" I rub my eyes seeing Lauren's once blurry face come into clearer view. I've always found Lauren perfect. I can't pin it down because it's not just two qualities like all my other sisters.

Christina's leadership skills when she's being serious and wacky self when she's not.

Katherine's deep poetic aide but also the side that smiles like a goon.

Amy's secret nerdy side when she curls up with a book but her bubbly selfless personality.

Dani's caring nature while she still manages to make a real smile appear because of her six year old energy.

Lauren I really have no idea.

"Comfortable." I answer truthfully getting a priceless smile out of her. "Where is everyone?" I ask not averting my gaze from the marvelous face above me.

"Your crew left you behind and Dani went to get some antibiotics for her swollen face and other bruises." I frown at her explanation but soon feel Lauren's fingers on my face.

"Don't frown Moose." She orders as she uses her left thumb and pointer finger to curl my drooping face up. My smile changes at that one word, Moose. My little sisters nickname sounds for me so perfect even after two years of not hearing it.

Lauren has an eyebrow raised probably wondering why I'm intensely staring at her.
"I'm just trying to save this moment." I explain and a smirk appears in turn.

Lauren pulls me closer to her face so my head is now on her chest instead of her stomach. I move my arms twirling the ends of her bed head black hair. With one ear pressed against her chest I can hear her even heartbeats and even breaths nothing like how I feel right now. Lauren pets my short hair like it is a dogs fur.

I turn so my chin is pressing into her bony sternum seeing her shiny brown eyes still focused on me, not anything else, only me.

"You're adorable." My eyes widen and my cheeks burn at Lauren's words. "My eyes can't move from your face."

"What do you mean?" I ask hiding my red face from her.

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." She says and I raise my eyebrow.

"What about Dani?" I ask really wanting to kiss her but not cause a fight.

"I only dated her to see your reaction and jealousy was the outcome." I keep hiding as I feel Lauren's hand cup my face. "She has a crush on some other boy, she's dating me to hide it."

"Is this boy bad?" I ask because everyone's reaction to Dauren have been horrible.

"He's older and a bad boy, now stop asking questions and kiss me." She demands and I smile pulling her into a kiss that makes my heart sing.

"Now that was a good kiss." I comment when we finish.

"It was Moose, but we better pretend like nothing happened I hear footsteps." I nod falling asleep again.

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