Burning/Fixing Bridges (Amy)

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Amy's POV

I sit uncomfortably next to two out of my three older sisters, Christina and Katherine.

Both of them are clearly hiding something from me being nervous about something. Katherine's breathing is shallow and stressed and Christina's shoulders are tense anticipating something. I have a bad feeling that it is not a good surprise but a bad one.

I meet both of my older sister's eyes. Katherine is pleading me to stay with her her brown eyes begging me actually scaring me. Christina seems less nervous but more disturbed about something in her own head.

Katherine leans closer to Christina whispering something, proving that they are hiding something from me.

I ignore them rather being ignorant than thinking about that but where my gaze falls stresses myself more, on Lisa, Lauren, and Dani.

I look at the top of the stairs studying each of my sister's wondering what the heck happened to them.

Lisa looks like she is about to pass out from weakness not from being tired leaning on her younger sister's. They do not look in any shape to hold her though especially Dani, who looks like she was beat up by someone. Her left eye is swollen shut and that is not the only blemish on her face. The rest of her face is red and purple looking painful to the touch. I do not doubt that under her shirt she has more bruises. Lauren looks exhausted and terrified as she stops in her tracks at the top of the stairs.

"What happened to Dani?" I ask myself wondering who hurt her within the last twenty four hours.

"Do you need anything to eat, drink?" Dani asks her voice trembling a very unusual thing for my youngest sister. I guess she was recently pummeled to makes sense.

I watch Dani kiss Lisa on the forehead bringing a small smile to my face at the care she manages to provide even in her weakened state, but what brought Lisa to this level of distress.

Dani than kisses Lauren on the lips a disturbing sight but cute all the same because after watching that scene in the mirror those two are adorable together.

Lisa than breaks into sobs almost making me cry because I love my older sister so much that it hurts to see her cry. 

"What the heck happened!" Christina yells at the two girls making me wonder why she is mad at them.

Shouldn't she be more worried?

Lauren looks at Christina the signature Lauren smirk on her face, "I did not think it was a crime to be nice to my sister." Lauren answers calmly.

"It's not but..." Katherine starts but suddenly stops looking at me.

"Let's go." Christina says and before I can protest I am literally dragged to the dining room.

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