Sinking In (Katherine)

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Lisa walks in, "If you care about your Sugar at all, she's going to kill herself sitting out there." Lisa chucks a towel, quite harshly, at Dani. Amy follows Lisa and I feel a little bad for Amy. Lisa is going to be mean to her without meaning to.
Dani just stands not going after Lauren, "I care about Lauren." Christina looks at Dani for a second disgusted. Christina races out of the door like it is a race.

They're broken it worked!
No you need to GET RID OF THEM.

I turn to Dani wanting to see if I'm right, "I know you still love Lauren and I'm so disappointed in you.
"I hate Lauren! She left me here in tears." I'm shocked but excited. Maybe I don't have to do anything! She hates her.
Heat of the moment.

A knock sounds on the door but it isn't a normal knock. I open the door anyways seeing Christina holding Lauren bridal style soaking wet. My eyes widen as I notice Lauren isn't awake. I close the door as Christina carries Lauren to the middle of the room laying her down like a dead person. She wipes a strand of Lauren's wet hair out of her face and reveals a noticeable red spot on her cheek.

That looks like it hurts.

"Katherine can you go get Lauren some dry clothes please." Christina kindly asks me opposite of her recent actions so I oblige.

I walk to Christina and my room scanning through the closet and I realize that my clothes aren't really what comforts a person when their sick. They are comfortable, but not comforting. I go to Lisa's room knowing Christina will have a fit if I take her clothes without asking. I reach her closet and scan through the clothes seeing something. Not clothes, but a pill bottle.
When did Lisa get this?
I read it and it's some sort of sedative to help sleeping.
Why would Lisa need this?
The obvious answer is Dani and Lauren.
Take it.
Slip it to Dani and Lauren and they will just fall asleep and never wake up.
No pain.
No pain, calm like a nap.
I take it hiding it behind my back as I grab a sweatshirt and sweatpants for Lauren. I see Lauren and put the clothes on the floor trying to figure out how to make them both overdose on it.
I stare at Christina who will have to choose for the passed out girl,
"Me too." Manners Dani, "Please." I let my smile go almost skipping into the kitchen. I take out my normal things for soup.
Hide it in the base.
How much am I supposed to use?
All of it.
I crush and pour all of the capsules in all sign of them vanishing as they mix with the broth base. I can smell a hint of chemicals so I put strong smelling onions, peppers, and mushrooms for flavor in.

"Soups ready!" I announce a mix of a smile and a frown creeping onto my face. The two girls get seated comfortably before I push a bowl of soup in their faces, sweet dreams.

Dani quickly devours her soup and I'm happy she doesn't seem to suspect a thing. Lauren is more tentative though staring at Dani not yet having ate her soup.
Come on Lauren.
"I still know I'm good looking." Dani looks up with a look that would make me fall to my knees except her red cheeks distract from that.
"Exactly why I'm staring at you." Lauren responds making me really, really, want a boyfriend.
"Okay, everyone here is good looking. End of your weird flirtatious interaction." Christina stops but even though that is what I am trying to get rid of I could have watched another minute.
This lovey dovey crap.
I'm a hopeless romantic.

Lauren finishes her soup getting whisked away by a rushed Dani. I smile to myself as everyone goes their separate ways.
I finally did it.

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