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Christina was stressed out from working on their album for the entire day. Amy was supposed to do the dishes, Katherine was supposed to shop, and Lisa was supposed to clean the house. Christina got home ready to relax and let her brain take a break when she saw that nothing was done. She saw her three incompetent, in her mind, sisters listening to music in Lisa and Amy's room and she gave them a death glare.

"You guys didn't do any of the chores." She said calmly while wanting to yell on the inside.

"Oh, sorry we didn't see what time it was." They stopped listening to music to go do the chores but Christina still was angry. Christina decided to go for a walk to relax herself and walked to her parent's house. She meant to pop in for a quick hello but when she rang the doorbell no one answered. Dani and Lauren's shared car was in the driveway so she guessed that at least one of the two were probably still home. She climbed the tree outside of Dani and Lauren's room and saw Lauren laying on her bed with her eyes closed wearing sound cancelling headphones. She quietly stepped in looking at her younger sister with anger at how calm she looked compared to what Christina was feeling.

She poked Lauren a couple times before removing her headphones and yelling, "Lauren, wake up."

"I was awake." Lauren responded, still calm though.
"So you just didn't listen to me?" Christina asked and Lauren nodded. This made something snap inside of Christina, her temper.

"Where are the rest of the family members?" Christina asks trying to sound like she cared about that. She just wanted to know if they were here.

"Dani is at a friends house. The three boys have a sleepover. Mom and dad have a date night." Lauren responded smiling that she knew where her family members were.

Now Lauren's smile bugged Christina because it was the opposite of what Christina felt.

"So you are just here alone?" Christina asked as Lauren nodded.

"It is all your fault." Slipped out of Christina's mouth before she could stop herself. She knew that it wasn't Lauren's fault, it was her sisters at the apartment. Lauren at first looked shocked but then put her head down ready for more ridicule. This made Christina feel powerful and happy in some twisted way. Christina blamed every one of her problems throughout the day on Lauren and Lauren never objected to them because she didn't think her eldest sister would lie to her. Christina left feeling like a weight lifted from her chest while Lauren felt like someone just broke her heart. Christina arrived home to a clean house and she thought it was because of Lauren not because her sisters did it like they were supposed to. Lauren went back to her original position but not before locking the window behind Christina. Lauren felt wet tears lay on her cheeks from utter confusion at her sister's actions. The next day was Sunday so they all ate breakfast together and Christina wore a priceless grin on her face making everyone else happy but Lauren. Lauren had a heavy heart from Christina's problems but why would they care that Lauren was beat down if Christina made them happy.

This was not a one time thing whenever someone did something that bothered Christina it somehow always lead back to Lauren so much so that Lauren was scared when Christina came over or when she wanted to talk to her about something. No one found out because Lauren wouldn't throw her scary older sister under the bus and why would Christina turn herself in.

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