A Thick Layer Of Compliments and Insults (Katherine)

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I walk out of the bathroom, a bead if sweat falling down my face but also a hopeful smile.

Now to get Amy on our side.

I peek my head out seeing Amy looking a little lost and really sick.

Get her medicine.

It must be in the kitchen since that's where Lauren came out of with medicine for Dani. I am lightning fast ninja going through every drawer not finding it. I put my thinking face on.

Where could it be?

I face palm as I see a cupboard open and find the medicine in there.

Thanks Lauren.

I grab some cold medicine finding Amy sitting at the dining room table.

"Amy." The short girls head darts up at me as her blue eyes sparkle and she flashes her contagious smile.
"Where'd you find it?" I hand the medicine to Amy withholding a laugh at it's awkward placement.
"It was in the cupboard above the microwave." Amy rolls her eyes, not a normal actior from her, but effective. I stare at the sick girls face it glistebing with sweat as she still has bed head refusing to change out of her PJ'S.
"Christina and I need to talk to you." I try to sound calm but Amy still tenses up.

She follows me though and her head turns so I try to see where she's looking. She's staring up the empty staircase probably searching for our biggest resister, Lisa. The short haired girl is nowhere to be seen, point us.

I sit next to Christina whispering, "We got this." My only older sister flashes a smile as me while Amy gets situated.

"Yes?" Amy's usually peppy voice sounds tired and scared.

"Let's look at the pros and cons of Dauren." Christina starts and I have the flashback to the kiss. I shudder thinking about it.

"They love each other." I nod knowing that's true because they would die, and probably kill, for each other. Should I say I would die for them sure, but I wouldn't die for Dauren. I would die for Dani and Lauren.

"They can love each other as sisters. Like how I love you or Christina loves you." I try to sweet talk the girl and her smile shows I succeeded.

"That's not how they love each other though. They would rather kiss instead of hug." Amy seems tentative of our responses like we'll explode on her.

"So we both agree that they love each other in a different way." Amy nods making me smile. "But they are sisters." Christina sternly announces.

"I know." At first I think that we got her but then the next words furiate me, "Do you see the smiles on their faces when they are together? I haven't seen those kind of smiles since California, heck since Northern California." I think about the younger Dani and Lauren, they were so happy but this happiness is wrong.

"Do you want your little sisters to go to Hell?" Amy starts coughing and Christina elbows me but I couldn't help it. I needed some leverage.

"No." Amy uncharacteristically softly responds.

"Then we need to direct them back to the right path." Christina seriously plans out and I'm jittering with energy. I thought these two would hate me for wanting to harm my little sisters.

"How do we do that?" Amy asks and I feel an euphoria fall over me.

Hook, line, and sinker.

"Keep trying to bore it into their skull that their relationship is wrong. We need to guide Lisa too." I watch as Amy closes her eyes looking deep in thought.

"Lisa is as stubborn as a mule and is not going to change her mind." Christina rationalizes because my plans haven't worked. I guess Christina's punching and belittling didn't work either.

"All Lisa wants is for those two to love her." That's most definitely the truth. "We have to get them to hate her to the point of no reconciliation." Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli has a dark side!

"Great idea Amy!" Christina sounds like she's talking to a five year old.

"Okay plan make Dauren hate Lisa is a go." I nod surprised that Amy has become the evil mastermind behind the plan.

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