Chapter 4

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Note: hey guys! I'd really like to read everyone's input and comments because it'd help me decide how often I need to update! Sorry if there are any mistakes! I hope you are all liking Unexpected so far :)

Jo's POV

When I wake up the next morning, the first thing that comes to my mind is Nash. I find my phone and it's already 1. Wow I slept late.. And I bet they're already here. I make myself look presentable and walk downstairs. Like expected, they were here and as soon as Nash saw me, he jumped up from the couch and walked towards me. "Hey can we talk somewhere else alone?" "Um yeah let's go to my room." He grabs my hand and says "I'll lead the way"

We're sitting on my bed and he's saying something about Skylynn which is adorable but I get lost in his eyes and I snap out of it when he puts his hand on my upper thigh. Then before I know it, we were in the bed under the covers.

Then I wake up from my dream.

It's 4 in the morning and I'm wide awake. I make my way downstairs with the flashlight on my phone and grab something to eat in the kitchen. I decide to watch tv in the living room and cuddle with my dog on the couch. I see Friends on the TV guide and doze off watching the second episode. I guess I was sleepier than I thought.

Mom wakes me up around 10 and says Elizabeth and Nash called 5 minutes ago saying they'll be here around 3. I go back upstairs and shower. I pick out my outfit and ask mom if she'd do my makeup. She put on what I originally had planned for me to do, mascara and light colored eyeshadow, and I promise you it looked 10 times better than when I did it. It's only 12:30 now so I decide to drive myself to the park. It's my peaceful place and I bring my book to read in the same spot I sit in every time I come here. No one else is here but it feels a little creepy which is unusual because I'm usually calm when I'm here. I see a car pull in the parking lot of the park and I recognize it. It's Hannah, Nash's ex, and when she sees me she gives a smirk that makes me wonder if she's evil or not. I don't pay any attention to her and continue to read my book. She makes her way up to me and sits down. I start to get nervous when she says "I hear Nash and his mom are coming to your house for something today?" "Maybe.." "Well I know I wasn't very nice to you the other day but I don't want to see you get hurt. From anyone other than me I mean. But babe, don't flatter yourself when Nash talks to you. It's his little game he plays. He makes you feel special then bam.. He's gone" "thanks.." I mumble and start walking to my car. "Don't mention it!" She yells but I know she's trying to catch up to me. "Why don't we hang out instead?" "I think I'll pass." I ignore the next thing she says and get in my car and speed out of the parking lot to my house. I feel my mood start changing as Hannah's words set in. I grip the steering wheel too hard and it pinches my hand. I check my makeup in the rear view mirror because I started crying. I look back to the road and I'm in the opposite lane driving head on towards an 18 wheeler.

Nash's POV

"Nash wake up its 11 o'clock!" "Okay mom I'm up!" I yell the best I can in my morning voice. I go to the kitchen and make a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and sit at the bar while mom is cleaning around the house a little. "Mom what time are we going to Jo's?" "I called a little bit ago and said we'll be there around 3" I smile at the thought of seeing Jo's eyes that I admire and maybe getting her to open up to me. She looks so broken inside and that someone needs to fix her. I go to the bathroom to take a shower which usually takes about 40 minutes.

I walk to my room with my towel around my waist when I see Hannah in my room. "What're you doing here and how'd you get in?" "Don't you remember the secret window when we were dating? Good times. I missed you and wanted to see you. I hear you have plans with Jo?" "Hannah we've talked about this and you know how I feel. Leave." "But Nash baby - " "MOM COME HERE QUICK" "Nash?!" "Leave. Now." I watch her as she gracefully climbs out of the window of my room. Mom bursts through the door with wide eyes and it instantly changes my mood because it looked so funny. "I was just kidding" I smile at her. She rolls her eyes and walks out. I stand in my room trying to decide what to wear when I remember the window. I really need to lock that thing because that's kinda creepy. I eventually forget about it and finish getting ready. It literally takes until 2:55 when I'm ready and mom and I head to Jo's. I'm excited and nervous. I never get nervous but the palms of my hands are sweaty. I see her house as we turn the corner and I frown because I don't see her car. She said she didn't have plans. I guess I'll find out once we get inside and talk to her mom.

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