Chapter 7

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Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors! And super sorry for the late update; I haven't had wifi. :(


Jo's POV

I hear piercing sound of the alarm clock on my headboard waking me up for school. I get out of bed, take a shower, put clothes on, go downstairs to eat breakfast, then leave. My routine for school every morning. Once I get there, I see Phoebe at her locker. "Hey stranger" I say. She does so much as glance at me before closing her locker and walking away from me. What was that about? I hear the bell ring telling me I need to get to class.

Already having the books I need, I walk in class and see Nash sitting in his usual seat. He's smiling at me and points and the seat next to him, motioning me to sit in it. How sweet I think. "Long time no see" he says. I giggle. "It's been since Saturday buy okay." Our teacher begins today's lesson and about halfway through the hour, Nash clears his throat to get my attention. I look over and he's lifting his book up for me to see what's in the paper. In big, pen written letter it says "masquerade?" My cheeks get red and a huge smile spreads on my face. I hold my index finger up to say hold on. I find my notebook and go to a clean sheet. I write back saying "Depends.." He looks almost as if he's disappointed when he reads my response. He writes "depends on what?" I smirk back and start writing. Where is this sudden confidence coming from? "Depends on if you come with me to get my dress." If it wasn't for someone to open the squeaky door, the teacher would've heard mine and Nash's hushed giggles. While everyone else's attention was turned to the principal who came in the room, Nash uses the opportunity to say "Wish granted." We start to listen half way in the principal's lecture but I find it boring so I zone out until I hear the dismissal bell ring.

Before I could completely get out of the door, I feel a hand grab my arm which made me jump. I look back to see Nash with, you guessed it, a smile on his face. "So when exactly do you want to go get this dress?" "Depends" "Oh not this again.." I giggle and say "When is the dance?" "Weekend after next." He obviously knows this coming weekend is the only chance we can get it. "So Saturday?" "It's a date. I'll pick you up at 1." With that he walks away before I can say another word. A.. Um.. What? A date?

I go on through the rest of the day thinking about Nash and the dress and the date. Once I get home, I walk upstairs to my room but something doesn't feel right. I open the door to my room and stop right in my tracks. "Hey Jo.."

Phoebe's POV

*telephone conversation*

"Yeah I saw her today. She looked okay. No I didn't talk to her. Right now? *sigh* Fine. Bye."

I get in my car to go to Jo's because that's what I was told to do. I notice her car isn't there so I wait for her in her room; I know where her house key is. She thinks we're friends. What do I say to her? That I know you trusted me but I'm bad now and you're going to die soon? I'm not ready for this. I never should've gotten involved with that man. I hear the door open downstairs and footsteps coming up the stairs. Jo walks in and freezes when she sees me, startled. She relaxes after realizing its me, but if she only knew. "Hey Jo..."

"Hey Phoebe. I didn't know you were coming... Unless you told me then I'm sorry I forgot. Do you need anything? What's going on?" An evil smirk grows on my face. "You really should start keeping your phone on you, you know. And ignoring your... "Friend" isn't going to make things better. You know what I mean." "H-how do you know about that?" My voice was harsh and loud. "Do I have to spell it out for you? What happened in the past is coming back to you! If you tell a soul, you're dead." I glare at her before stomping out of her room and getting into my car. Well that was uncomfortable.

Jo's POV

What happened to Phoebe? Before what happened could process I hear my phone ring. I grab and it read the 1 message I just received. Oh great.. My "friend". "You got your warning Jo. Do what I say. You're not going shopping Saturday. Instead come to the cafe, you know, the one you went to last Saturday. Don't bring anyone, so we can talk alone."

The heck?


Mystery mystery!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 160+ READS! Y'all. Are. Amazing.

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