Chapter 9

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Told you the update would be soon ;)


Jo's POV

Nash brought me home after the amazing dinner he paid for. I think he didn't notice too much how I reacted to the text message. We were almost to my house when I couldn't take it anymore. "The text message wasn't from mom..." Nash gave me a confused look and before he could say anything I went on by telling him everything from the start to Phoebe to the text about meeting at the cafe which is where I was supposed to go today. "The text from dinner was that he's angry I didn't meet him today and I'll be getting a surprise when I get home. And I'm pretty scared. This is asking a lot but.. Will you spend the night with me? Mom won't care." I was crying only lightly but he didn't even say anything because he was calling his mom to tell her that he was staying at my house.

"Mom Nash is staying the night!" I faintly hear her saying okay from her room. We were in the kitchen talking because I was still scared to go to my room. But after our small conversation, we walk to my room and I get ready for bed. "Sorry you don't have any clothes to wear.." "I'm a guy, it doesn't bother me." "I don't see how you being a guy has to do with that but okay" I swear that boy is crazy. "Well I don't know what the surprise is supposed to be because I don't see anything wrong" "neither do I.. But um Jo? Where am I going to sleep?" "With me? You have to protect me. In this big queen sized bed." I could tell he was trying to hide the smirk coming across his face but I didn't care because I was seriously scared.

We were both in my bed when I heard my phone ring once again and Nash got my phone before I could. "The text said 'you really shouldn't have brought that boy into this. You know how dangerous I can be.' You have to call the cops about this Jo." I squinted my eyes closed tight trying not to cry. "I know... But let's go to sleep. Please Nash." I heard him sigh before saying okay. We laid there restlessly for a while until I felt his arm wrap around me which was amazingly comforting and we both drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up before Nash to the smell of mom making pancakes. Before I go downstairs, I brush my teeth and wash my face and half way fix my crazy hair. When I enter the kitchen I say "pancakes? What's the occasion?" "Nash. Y'all have gotten awful close fast huh? Spending the night?" "Yeah well it was late when we got here and I knew you wouldn't mind. We didn't do anything I swear." "I know I was kidding with you. Pancakes are ready if you want to go wake him up." I smile and go back upstairs to wake up Nash.

When I go into my room Nash was sitting on the edge on my bed looking at his phone. "Good morning" I say. "Morning. Jo come look at this." I look at his phone and my stomach drops. It's a twitter picture of us in the mall yesterday but the caption was "go to hell." Hannah. Great, now I have hate for being seen with a popular guy in school. I wonder if it would just be better to not be known by anyone. And I wonder how it will be at school tomorrow. I sigh and sit beside him and he puts his arm around me. "It'll be okay. But do I smell pancakes?" I smiled and said "you smell right. Lets go eat."

After eating the delicious breakfast mom made, Nash went home considering he couldn't shower, change clothes, or brush his teeth here last night. Then I told mom how the date went and what Hannah posted on twitter but I left out the part of exactly why Nash spent the night. But now I have nothing to do so I decide to go upstairs to my room and lay on my bed. I have 2 texts. One from Nash and one from my stalker. Nash: "I had a great time with you. Can't wait for the dance next weekend!" I smile and text him back with "me either. :)" then I read the other message, my heart beat getting fast. It read "finally alone now huh? How about coming to the cafe now?" How does this person know everything? I start bawling pretty hard actually and end up crying myself into a nightmare of a nap.



Unexpected (a Nash Grier fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora