Chapter 5

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Jo's POV

I make it home in time to find what I'm assuming is Elizabeth's car already in the driveway. I look at the clock in my car and it reads 3:34. After the incident with the 18 wheeler happened, I went to the cafe to calm down. I got a lot of weird looks considering I had dried, once wet and smeared mascara down my face. So I can only imagine the looks I'll get when I walk into my own house accompanied by a guy that I just happen to like. I take a deep breath and turn off the engine. Before I even make it to the door, Nash opens it. He sees me and smiles but before we can say anything to each other, he turns his head around saying "yeah it's her!" I give him a questioning look when he turns back to look at me. "Your mom was worried about you. Well I mean we were too.." "Oh well I'm here now." I walk passed him in the doorway and run upstairs, literally running. I look in the mirror and wonder how come Nash didn't say anything about my face. He had to have noticed it. But he didn't even hesitate to smile at me like nothing was wrong. I mentally shrug it off and wash my face. So much for that. Before I walk back downstairs, I find my old pill bottle in my closet that I keep for emergencies. I pop two pills and swallow them without anything to drink.

When I enter the living room with everyone, my mom asks what happened. I take a second to think if I should tell her or not, or if I should tell her after Nash and Elizabeth leave. I must've taken too long because it was an awkward silence so I start with "I went to the park..." I didn't mean to tell them everything. But I didn't miss a detail. Everything with Hannah to the 18 wheeler to the people at the cafe. When I was done telling them what happened, mom and Elizabeth had their jaws dropped but Nash looked white as a ghost. I didn't even leave out what Hannah said about him which probably hints that I like him. I sigh, waiting on someone to say something. Nash, blinking his eyes and shaking his head, says "Jo can you show me the way to the kitchen, I'm thirsty." I nod and we get up. I don't know why but he tells me what happened to him this morning with Hannah. I didn't think guys would be so detailed but he surely didn't leave out the part that all he had on was the towel around his waist. Before the image can invade my thoughts I say "so what does this mean?" "Hannah's definitely jealous. I mean, she has a reason to though. You have something about you." I just stare at him, speechless. I try to think of something sweet to say back. FLIRT WITH HIM! "You do too.." Ugh dumb thing to say. He chuckles and our hands brush against each others.

Nash's POV

I admit. I really do like Jo. I'm not in love with her but I don't know what she did. Actually she did barely anything at all but I've fallen for her. I've liked plenty of girls before but not love. I like Jo differently than the other girls too. Like if she felt the same way, it could build up to love. We're sitting in the kitchen together when she asks me about the day I brought her up to her room. I smile when she says she kept the note, then I smile even more when I see her cheeks get red because she said it out loud. She's adorable. We sit there and talk for what seems like forever. Which isn't a bad thing at all but when I look at the time on my phone, it's already 11 o'clock. I hand Jo my phone, already in the "new contact" part. She hesitates, but takes it and puts her number. "Jo" I text her and we heard her phone ring from her room upstairs. "That was me" and she giggles. "I guess I'll have to keep my phone with me more often now" "Good. We can text each other answers in the class we have together" I wink. Before we could say anything else, my mom and Jo walk in laughing and mom says "Nash it's about time we leave. Tell Jo and Stacy bye. She smiles at Jo and her mom and says she'll wait in the car. I thank Stacy for having us over and she leaves the kitchen which puts Jo and I back to ourselves again. I take the chance to pull her in for a hug and let her go. "See ya around" "sure" she says and I get a smile out of her. I walk out to the car and see mom in the passenger seat, dozed off. Looks like I'm driving home.

Jo's POV

I like Nash Grier. I smile at the thought and go upstairs to get ready for bed. Tomorrow is Sunday and it leads me to wonder if this thing with Nash and his mom is going to happen every weekend. I take a shower, comb out my hair and French braid it. I get in my usual oversized shirt and crawl in bed. I fall into a deep sleep with the thought of Nash in my mind.


So yeah I wrote this chapter two different times because I decided I didn't like it. Oops

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