Chapter 14

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So today's Monday and guess where I am? BED. The weather was bad so I got to stay home but I'm not complaining. It's still 7 in the morning but oh 🐳. Sorry for any mistakes because I didn't even proof read this..


Nash's POV

The phone rang about 4 times before Jo answered. She sounded like she was crying though. "Hello?" "Jo, what's wrong?" "Can you come over? It's too much." "I'll be there in a minute."

Besides the fact the Jo's stalker texted me, what else could've happened? I take a few minutes getting ready to go to Jo's house and I leave a note for mom so she doesn't worry about me leaving. When I arrive at Jo's house I don't even knock. I just walk in and see her mom sitting at the bar in their kitchen. "Hey Ms. Stacy, are you okay?" "Yeah Nash.. I'm fine. Jo is upstairs in her room." I do the nicest thing I could think of in that moment and gave her a hug. She looked up and gave me one her those reassuring mom smiles. I smile back and make my way up to Jo's room.

I lightly knock on her door before going in and finding her balled up in her bed. "Hey Jo" I said in a quiet voice, almost whispering. She didn't move so I crawled in her bed beside her and snuggled to her back like we were spooning. She must've dozed off before I got here because she started stirring when she felt me against her back. She turned to face me and her eyes looked red and puffy. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" She stifled a sigh and nodded. "Um.. My old friend Kalea from where I used to live was kidnapped and I'm 99% sure that its from my stalker." She drew out her sentence slowly in between sniffles and sobs. I just put my arms around her and she snuggled her nose in the crook of my neck. We just lied in her bed while I was thinking of something to say. "Jo you need to get a restraining order or something." She giggled at me, barely, and said "you can't get a restraining order from someone you don't know." "Oh yeah.. Well I have something to tell you too."

Jo's POV

"Well I have something to tell you too." Great, what else could've happened? My heart beat started getting faster when I nodded for him to go on.

"You know when I called you and you asked for me to come here?" "Yeah..?" "Well I was calling you to tell you that an unknown number texted me saying to leave you alone." I didn't even say anything back, I just started crying. WHY is this happening to me? "Nash I'm putting you in danger and - " "Don't say it Jo. It's okay, I'm here for you. Don't worry about me." We just lied together in my bed for the rest of the day either talking or falling asleep.

I woke up from one of the many naps we took and noticed that its already 10:30. "Nash, wake up. It's 10:30 and you probably need to be getting home." He shuffled around, waking up. He was already facing me so I watched him as his eyes slowly started opening. I smiled and said "ready for tomorrow?" He gave me a sweet, sleepy smile and said "so ready."

He eventually got out of my bed and walked downstairs. I went to my window and watched him get into his car and drive off. I grabbed my phone and sat back on my bed, thinking about my plan tomorrow. The dance starts at 7 so I can wake up around 12, get my hair and nails done, come back home and get dressed, let mom do my makeup, and I should be ready at 4:30 or 5. Then me, Nash, Cameron, and Maggie will go eat somewhere fancy because its Nash and Cameron, then to the dance! I'm partly excited and nervous. Plus I'm ready to meet Maggie since I've heard so much about her.

I heard footsteps come up the stairs and then my door being pushed opened. "Hey honey are you okay? "Yeah mom I'm fine." "Are you excited for tomorrow? It's a special day." "I know, I am excited. Are you going to come with me to get my hair and nails done?" "Well I actually have a meeting to go to but I'll be back in time to do your makeup for you." I faintly sighed so she doesn't feel bad and I just say okay. If its such a special day she should want to be there with me getting ready.

Mom leaves me room and it's already 11:11 now and I think about how you're supposed to make a wish. I closed my eyes and wish that my stalker can just get a life and stay out of mine. Not in those words but it pretty much sums it up. I crawl under my covers of my bed and set my alarm for 11:30 so I can eat breakfast before I get started on my day. But the only problem is that now, I can't sleep.


So incredibly sorry about the long wait for the update. But I hope you like this chapter! THANK YOU for all the reads like you guys are so amazing.

- k a t i e

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