Chapter 6

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Jo's POV

I wake up the next morning around 10 and walk downstairs to find my mom cooking breakfast. Unusual. "Morning" I say. "Good morning. Fun night last night huh?" She winks at me. I smile, remembering. Mom made pancakes with eggs and orange juice; I love orange juice. I hear my phone ring so I run upstairs to see who it is.

I'm half expecting Nash but I try to tell myself otherwise so I'm not disappointed if its not him. I find my phone and it was a text from an unknown number. "Hello Jo. Having fun in North Carolina? I've finally found you know. I've been searching for some years now. You should be expecting me soon." My heart beats faster as I'm racking my brain to who that might be. Obviously someone from my hometown but that could be anyone. So many bad memories..

I calm myself down by taking a shower and spending the day with my mom. I don't tell her about the text and try not to think about it. "Do you want to go shopping?" I. Love. Shopping. "Right now?" "Yeah! My treat!" I love my mom.

Nash's POV

"Hey mom, Cameron is coming over in a little bit is that okay?" "You know I don't care." I had a text from Cam when I woke up this morning. "Bro I miss you. I'm coming over no questions asked" I didn't bother texting him back because nothing would stop him. He came over around 2 and we did nothing but eat and act crazy.

"So Hannah told me that the Jo girl is obsessed with you or something" Cam says jokingly. I stopped and got serious and he definitely noticed. "When did you talk to her? Why would you listen to her? What else did she say?" "That was all.. I didn't say anything back bro. I saw her at the store yesterday but its not a big deal." "Cam, I like Jo." He pauses before saying anything "I support it. Jash. Or Josh. WAIT.. No." We both die out in laughter because there's never a dull moment with him. He ends up sleeping over and going to school with me the next day.

Jo's POV

After shopping with mom for 4 hours, I was exhausted when we got home. I walk upstairs with my handful of bags and crash onto my bed. I grab my phone and I have 2 more messages from the unknown number. "Jo don't ignore me." "Bad things will happen if you ignore me" I have to find out who this is.

I go to my contacts and scroll until I find Kalea. I call her before I know what's happening. It rings and she surprisingly answers, except it wasn't Kalea. A male voice says "Hello Jo, I figured you'd be calling her. I've got this all set up to where you're forced to talk to me. Are you planning on coming back anytime soon?" I didn't recognize the voice at all but it's probably because I can hear my heart beating in my ears.

"Who are you?!" The voice chuckles and says "Jo, Jo, Jo. I'm surprised you don't remember!" I hear clutter in the background of his end of the conversation. "Jo I'll be seeing you around okay? Goodbye." I start to cry. All the memories come flooding back. I lived with my dad in my hometown who raped me. I was left in a burning house when Kalea and Mackenzie found me half dead. No one knows how that happened or whose house it was. But I remember seeing a face carrying me into the house before it caught fire. My dad's friend. They're all the reason I was on my medicine.



This chapter is kind of short, I'm sorry!

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