Chapter 8

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Sorry if there are any mistakes and I'm incredibly sorry for taking so long to update but I promise for another update soon! You are all awesome!


Jo's POV


Today's the day I'm supposed to meet whoever it is at the cafe. I have a mental discussion in my mind and finally decide to not think about and just go shopping with Nash. I start to get ready before I can change my mind when I hear my phone ring. 1 text message from Nash "How about I pick you up at 12 instead of 1. We'll have more time together ;)" never in a million years would I think that Nash Grier would be saying this to me. I realize that I've been holding my breath the whole time so I let it out in a sigh. "Sure that's fine. I'm getting ready now!" It's already 10:30.

I hop in the shower and it takes about 30 minutes because I make sure to shave my legs extra good because I decided to wear a dress. Not some fancy dress but a skater type dress with some vans. I finally get out and put my dress on and blow dry my hair. I like to fix my hair after I put my clothes on because I always mess it up when I put my clothes over my head. I straighten it and then find a light makeup tutorial on YouTube since my first experience putting on makeup was a fail. I put on powder then concealer on my eyelids then mascara. I put a light pink sparkly eyeshadow over my eyelid to cover up the mascara that touched it. 11:55. Great timing.

I walked downstairs to tell mom I was leaving then heard a knock on the door followed by Nash's voice yelling "I'm here!" He obviously didn't know I was standing in the entrance way already. I just giggled and he said "oh hey. You ready? You look great." I blushed and said "yep! You don't look to bad yourself. But hold on.." I walk to find mom to get some money. She hands me her credit card and says "there's no price limit. This is a special day." She smiles at me and I smile back. She's literally the best mom ever. "Thanks mom love you". I meet Nash back at the door and he opens his passenger car door for me and I step in. I'm putting the seatbelt on when he opens his door and starts the engine. "So which mall do you want to go to first?" He just gives me a small smile and says "I have everything planned out so no questions." He says it kind of sternly but in a jokingly way. "Yes sir."

We pull into the parking lot of the mall that's only 10 minutes away from where we live. We walk into the rather large building together and go to some professional prom dress store and the lady that works there greets us. She gave me a dirty look but smiles when she sees Nash. "Can I help you?" She says directed to Nash. "I need the best person to help Jo here find the best dress for our masquerade dance coming up." She made a face, obviously getting the hint that we were together. "Price?" I speak up now. "Doesn't matter." "Be right back." I glance up to Nash finding that he was already looking at me, smiling. I really am falling for him.

Nash's POV

I have everything planned out for today. Jo's going to find her perfect dress and I'm going to bring her somewhere to eat. About an hour after being at the mall with Jo, she finally finds the dress she wants. It actually does look pretty good. Jo goes into the dressing room to try it on. I knock on her door and say "I want to see!" She makes me giggle because her voice gets high when she says "No! Then you'll already know what it looks like before the dance!" "Jo... We're not getting married. It'll be okay! Let me see!" She sighed before I heard the door unlock and turn and she walks out.

She looked stunning.

She pays for it with her mom's credit card and we walk out of the store. We decide to walk around a little bit before we leave and we walk to a water fountain that you throw pennies in to make wishes. "Let's make a wish!" Jo says pointing to the fountain. I already have the change in my hands from my pockets and we have two coins each. We close our eyes and make a wish for each coin and throw it in the water

"What'd you wish for?" She gives me a crazy look at says "I can't tell you! It won't come true then!" I smile and say "okay, okay. Ready to go?" "Where are we going?" "I told you no questions!" "Yes sir." She giggles. I like when she says that.

We go the restaurant where I already made reservations so we got to go in before the people waiting. "Grier" I said to the waiter and he brought us to our tables. "This is a nice restaurant..." "What do you want to eat?" "I'm thinking a salad.." "What? Not any meat? Not a big ol messy rack of ribs or a pound of steak?" She was looking at me with wide eyes which made me laugh. "I'll stick with a salad" and she giggles. "Well then I'm getting a steak!" "You do that then!" And she winks at me which was adorable. Half way through our dinner, Jo gets a text message and when she reads it she turns pale. "Are you alright?" She gave me a reassuring smile but I didn't buy it. "Yeah it was just mom. Are you going to bring me home after this?" "If you want me to" "Mom wanted to know." I halfway believe her that it was her mom which makes me feel sad that she's not telling me something.


SO WHAT DO YOU THINK? Again another update soon! Sooner than the time between this update and the last 😁 SO sorry about that! But I made this chapter long!

Unexpected (a Nash Grier fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz