Part Two ~

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Violetta went inside while Leon went to the shop, and she sat down on the piano and sing talk of you can, and then Herman walked in.

Herman: Hey, sweetie Where's Leon?

Violetta: Uh, he went to the shop.

Herman: How are Leonardo and Maria? Is it easy for you to look after them now?

Violetta: Uh, it's still tiring but it's great you know we love them you know, and this is our life now.

Herman: So, if they're in school why are you still in your pajamas?

Violetta: No, I was dressed but I just thought I would put my pajamas back on because I'm all hot and bothered.

Herman: Impressing Leon, are you?

Violetta: No, *Saw Leon walking in with a bag of shopping* talking of him.

Leon: What's up? Have you got your pajamas on already?

Violetta: Yeah, problem?

Leon: No baby it's just we must pick up the kids soon

Violetta: You can get them without me I'll make dinner.

Leon: Wow, you make dinner? Have I walked into the right house?

Violetta: What's wrong with that?

Leon: Because you always want me to cook.

Violetta: Well, not tonight.

Leon: Are you sure you know how to work an oven?

Violetta: Yes, Leon I'm not dumb.

Leon: Alright, chill out babe I only asked.

Violetta: Well, you're picturing me as a lazy wife who lets her husband cook all the time, so I think I should start doing something about it.

Leon: No, baby you're not lazy you look after the kids you write beautiful songs, and your amazing mother and wife.

Violetta: That's not enough, Leon

Leon: What do you mean?

Violetta: I want more babies.

Leon: No not a chance

Violetta: Why not?

Leon: Babe, we can barely take care of Leonardo and Maria as it is and you want another baby, get lost no way.

Violetta: Leon, that's not fair.

Leon: I don't care, no way in hell am I making you pregnant again Violetta.

Violetta: That's selfish is it that bad bring a father of my children.

Leon: No, it's not bad, but I can't go through it again Violetta.

Violetta: I can't believe it, Leon.

She ran to her room and cried on the bed

Violetta ~

Can you believe that Leon doesn't want another baby, okay fine we have Leonardo and Maria, but I want another baby and Leon doesn't why do he want another baby I just wish he agreed with me and did not disagree, but I guess he isn't ever going to agree with me and I'm going to live with that, but I want another baby?

She fell asleep after a while. 

A/N: ~

Do you think Leon's right? They shouldn't have another baby or should they?
Do you think Violetta will leave Leon because of this situation?
Is Leon ever going to agree with Violetta or not?
If you have an opinion don't be scared to tell me in the comments below
I love you all
Thank you for reading my book
I hope you like it

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