The Aspects of Storytelling

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In it's simplest form, a creation to nurture, and care for.

On a higher level, an adventure, a story, a life.

We all have those moments when we read.

Fear. Sorrow. Envy. Loss. Joy. Despair. Jealousy. Love. Angst.

All these emotions and more run through the readers, the constant flow of it wearing us down bit by bit.

Why? Because a story is crafted, not born.

Carefully crafted by the hands of the author, sculpted into a creation that noone would expect.

As a reader, you experience emotions as the author has planned it to be, more often than not.

As an author, you suprise yourself constantly. When you write, you only have the basics in your mind. Sometimes, even the plans you have never happen.

For those of you who are authors, you understand me, right?


You've all written things that have sparked my creativity.

So you all understand, right?

The pain as you kill someone you created and loved off.

The joy you feel when your otp finally happens.

The crushing blow of a character's complete and utter betrayal of everything they are.

That one emotion that you can never label, but often comes with the unexpected.

Those moment​ when you stop,look up, and reread your words. And all you can think is "Did I make this?"

Those hunger pains when you're up until 1am writing.

Those fallen tears as your story comes to an end.

Fear not for the end.

For you have the power to start a new beginning.

Relive the pain. The suffering. The torment as you go over your writing a million times to make it perfect.

Why do we do these things to ourselves?

For that bit of praise for a job well done?
For funny comments that make us laugh?
For our readers to put the book in a place that they'll read it again?

Or do you do it for yourself, for no other reason than to make your mark on this Earth?

To know that when you're gone, the things you've created will remain?

Tell me, dear reader, why do you write?

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