~Purple, Red, Blue~

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The color of anger
Of spilled blood
Of uncontrolled emotions corrupting the world

I can't
I can't always be happy
I can't always push away the sadness
I can't always fight back again the blue

The color of sadness
Of emotions that bind and cripple the mind
Of the ocean that swallows all others emotions

I'm trying
I'm fighting
I'm used everything I have to try
To try to be happy

For you
Because you

You kept me going, when I had no one

The balance
Not mad
Not sad
But something else
Somewhere in between

A hand
A word
A small smile
A laugh

I would give it all to you
To make you happy

I'll be happy
For you

So you don't have to,
I'll keep smiling
I'll keep a grin on my face

So you
So you don't have to

Ill be happy
So you can be sad

I want you to be happy

Can we be happy together?
Smiles, and laugher

Despite our differences

Let's be happy, Ash
Together, as soul siblings
Can we be happy again?
I'd like that

Take my hand,
And we can be happy again.

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