Patient C File

51 8 28

Day 1 of testing

+Double dose of serum was given
•Serum inserted by dart, effective immediately

~Solution Serum effects~

•Patient C shows signs of struggling to fight off the serum's control
Note: Patient C did not have the same sleepy eyed look Patient X did under the serum's influence

•Upon questioning Patient C, our questions were still unanswered.
Note: Patient C seems intent on mocking us during these sessions, reason:unknown

The serum's effects only lasted two hours
Note: Last session, the effects only lasted one hour. Progress has been made.

•Patient C fell into a light, fitful sleep
Note: We are unsure why the deep sleep normally caused by the serum did not occur

•Patient C's brainwaves registered no dreams.

~After Sleep~

Patient C was alert and wary
Note: The serum should have caused confusion, for easier handling and transitions

•Patient C could clearly see who was truly in front of her.
Note: While seeing someone from your past in front of you afterwards is common, it is not always an effect.

When questioned, Patient C clearly remembered being questioned under the serum's influence.

~Side Effects~

Note: As side effects are common, we have established that they aren't appearing because the full effect hasn't been able to work on Patient C yet


Doctor >classified< note

Patient C showed signs of having more trouble fighting the serum's control, but still resisted. Serum induced sleep was double from the last test, I believe its because of the amount of serum was doubled.

Further testing is required.

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