Chapter 6 - Graduation

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Katniss's POV

These past few weeks have been amazing, Peeta and I are so happy together. Everyone else seems happy, too. This is the last week of high school.

We all pile out of the cars. Peeta drove Finnick, Annie and I in one car. Cato drove Clove, Gale and Johanna while Marvel drove Glimmer.

We walk together into school. We say goodbye and walk off to different classes. My first class is Science. I kiss Peeta on the cheek.

I get to be in Science with Johanna. She sits next to me. 'Excited about graduation?' She whispers. I nod. 'You?' She grins. 'Of course. I can't wait to get out of here.' She replies. The teacher goes on talking about stuff, but I can't pay attention.

Thinking of graduation is weird, leaving school...Will I get to see my friends as much? Of course I will. The class seems to go on forever before we're off to History. Great.

I take a seat next to Finnick. Of course, the first thing he says is about sugarcubes. 'Are you sure you don't want a sugarcube?' He grins. I just shake my head. 'For the last time, no.' I hiss at him. He just laughs.

Sometimes I want to kill that boy. The teacher starts talking about the mines in our District. I shudder. My father died in the mines, this is the word subject for me. He starts talking about how they used to dig for hours and hours.

Finnick can see that I'm upset. 'Try not to listen to it, Katniss.' He whispers. I nod my head. But, really, it's impossible. The teacher goes on and on about the elevators. I can't take this.

The bell saves the day. Finally, it's lunch. We go outside and meet. I find Peeta and hug him. Luckily, next period I will be with him. We all sit on the benches and eat. Finnick has...sugarcubes, of course.

Cato and Marvel race each other. Cato wins by a second! Finnick shows off and does push-ups. Annie just giggles at his jokes. Cato, Clove and Johanna climb up to the top of a tree and pretend to be monkeys. We all laugh our heads off.

Gale, Glimmer and Marvel practise Karate.

Me and Peeta just talk and laugh. The lunch is actually a lot of fun.

Soon we're back in class, Maths. Ugh, it's so boring.

At least I have Peeta with me.


Sorry, this is kind of Graduation Part 1 haha

I'll update later!

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