Chapter 21 - This Sickness

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Peeta's POV

"Please tell me your kidding, Finnick!" I look down at him, he's  on his knees, crying.

"No. No!" He pleads, his tears hitting the floor. I can't let it be real...please don't let it be real.

"I would not joke about this!" Finnick looks at my gazing eyes. I can't feel my arms or legs.

"Where is she?" I get my keys and rush out the door as soon as Finnick says,

"Local Hospital."

I''m driving, I'm speeding and I'm crying. Not a great mix. But I don't stop, because I need her. Suddenly, quite suddenly, I hear the song on the radio. It's Paramore: The Only Exception.

I can't help the tears that run down my cheeks as it plays. For I have never realised Katniss is my only exception. She's the only girl I could ever love. Maybe I'm insane for thinking she was perfect, because everyone has flaws, but she came as close as possible.

"You are the only exception. You are the only exception."

I park at the hospital and run in. I'm not at all prepared, but even as I search all the rooms in this goddamn place I finally find her. She is lying on the bed, all kinds of machines hooked up to her. Her eyes are closed. I know she's alive, the heart rate monitor keeps beeping. There is a curtain around her bed. I walk in.

I sit next to her on a chair and stare at her face. She has scars on her face, her nose has a crooked edge and she has a bump on her head, but it's not a bump coming outward, it goes inward, into her brain.

I cry and I feel a loose strand of my blonde hair come down. My eyelashes get in the way, too. I put my hand on her hand and watch her frozen face.

The doctor walks in and glares at me sadly. He didn't expect to see me, but he doesn't make me leave. He sits next to me and looks at me seriously.

"Are you her..."

"Yes." I reply, wiping my tears from my face.

"Well, Katniss got a real beating by some fools on the streets last night. They punched her skull and she hit the ground on the concrete. We managed to get her back to life, but she may not keep her life for long. If she does, she will have some form of brain loss. Hopefully, in some way, she might remember you. But we just need to hope she'll wake up, alright?" He tells me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I suddenly feel an urge, maybe to break something. But I know that's not what Katniss would want. She would like me to stay calm, be with her until the end. I will follow by her forever.

"Okay." I whisper croakily. I try put on a brave face, but he can tell I'm upset and allows me to show my emotions. I look at Katniss and sob.

"I love you Katniss. You're so beautiful. You're smart, you're amazing in every way. I never wanted you to go. We've been through so much together. I want to die. I want to be in your position if it will save you from pain. But I'm lost. I'm lost because I thought you would always be mine. What happened? What happened? How'd we get here?" I sob even more.

The doctor stands up and leaves us alone. It makes me feel better she's alive. But the thought scares me; for how long?


I blink my eyes open, something awoke me. I don't know what. I look up at Katniss who is still in a coma. What woke me up? I look at my hand that's still on hers.

Then my eyes follow up to the heart rate monitor, it's in a straight line and beeping continuously.

I start to panic, I get up and yell for help.

"Doctor!! Quickly!" I stand up and take her pale face in my hands. A light flicks on and lots of people rush in. The doctor pushes me out of the way, I try to get back to her. I push him out of the way without knowing what I'm doing. I feel another push and I stumble back. I keep attempting to get to her, but I can't. Soon I'm sure he can't handle me, so security come and carry me out. I thrash in their arms as we go out the door.

"Katniss!" I shout. But the door closes and I'm out in the hallway with two big guys. They hold me still and let me cry. I have nothing else to do. I'm stuck in the hallway for a while, sitting down, banging my head on the wall, pacing back and forth and crying until my eyes hurt. Then he walks out with a concerned look.

"Peeta. She's alive but I don't think she'll last much longer, would you like to see her while she's awake?" He asks painfully. I nod. I don't know if I want to see her like this but I walk in because I need to see her.
 I see her lying there again, but this time her beautiful eyes are shining back at me. I don't know if she recognises me but I go sit next to her anyway.

She doesn't talk, she just looks at me with a strange, tired look.

"Katniss?" I ask, scared for what she'll say.

She stares at me blankly and for a moment I don't think she knows who I am. One tear rolls down my cheek and I have to hide my face so I don't upset her. But she frowns at me anyway.

"Peeta why are you crying?" She asks sadly. I turn to her. I'm shocked. She does remember me! what way?

"No reason Katniss. I just really love you." I say, smiling slightly.

"I love you too Peeta." She says, her eyes staring right into mine. She looks so tired and so hurt. I can't hurt her anymore.

"Peeta, where are we?" She asks me, her hand moving a little to mine. I take it without hesitation.

"You'll be alright. You will be okay. You're just in the hospital is all. Soon we'll go home. We'll go home to Prim and your mother.." I tell her, thinking about them. She lights up.

"Where is Prim? They're at home, you said?" She asks, a small smile appearing.

"Yes, they're at home. They're waiting for you, Katniss." I smile.

She even smiles slightly. I stroke a loose strand of hair behind her ear.



"Will you stay with me?" She asks, closing her eyes. I look at the heart rate monitor that is slowing, it's coming back to that straight line. But I don't call for help, I just stare at Katniss's face. I smile slightly as a few tears come down my face. Flashbacks come to my mind, so many from when we were kids, some from when we were older. I hold her hand tighter as the beeping noise continues and when I'm sure she's home, I whisper,


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi guys I'm really sorry for this! I didn't mean to kill you all but um...yeah!

So this is the end of my story, I'm sorry I didn't warn you, but it had to come to an end and this was really sad.

I had so much fun writing this and I love everyone of you who read my stories and you're all amazing and even though this chapter was so sad I hope every one of you enjoyed my story.

Anyway, thanks for all the support and likes. I love you all.

So, I suppose this is

The End.

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