Chapter 4

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There was a silence on the walk home, but It wasn't an awkward silence, it felt....comfortable.

Bayley was looking at Finn as they walked and she could tell there was something he wanted to say. His mouth kept opening as if he was about to say something, but then he just closed his mouth and looked in the other direction.
"Just say it. You know you can tell me anything Fergal."
Finn looked at Bayley confused, not sure what she meant at first.
"What do you mean?"
"You want to say something, what is it?"
Finn didn't know what to say. He knew he had to say it, but he didn't know how.
"We need to talk, we need to have a long talk..."
"Okay? What about?"

Finn knew he had to keep his promise but how was he meant to start the conversation. He really didn't want Bayley to end up like him, but he was too scared to talk to her about it. He knew he was going to have to tell her everything, he just wasn't ready to tell anyone yet...

He let out a sigh and began to tell his story from the beginning.
"When she left me, I had no-one. Sami was on the main roster, and I was still on NXT. The only other person I trusted to ask for help was you...but Aaron was making you stay away from me, and he even came up to me and told me to stay away from you so I couldn't...Shinsuke was the first to find out, but he told Sami and ever since them, it's just been us...but I think Mercedes knows too..."

Pam was taken back. She knew Finn wasn't as happy as he once was these last few months, but she didn't expect this. He might not have been as happy as before, but he was still one of the most cheerful out of the group.
"Finn, I...I'm so sorry....I should've been there for you..."
"No, Bayley, don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. It Aaron's fault you weren't allowed to see me, but it was my fault I did it. Don't blame yourself."

What could she say? She was so confused on why Fergal was telling her now but, she's happy he did.
"Why are you telling all of this to me now? And not back at the bar?"
"I didn't want to tell you at all..."
When he said that, Finn could see the hurt in bayley's eyes. Finn did trust her, but he didn't want to see her upset, that's why he didn't tell her.
"What I meant by that was, I didn't want to have you worry over me, I do trust you, but you shouldn't have to deal with my problems..."
"Fergal, I always worry about you."

They both let out a light chuckle. Fergal starred up at the stars and then back down at Pam.
"The reason I am telling you this now, is because I made a promise to Shinsuke."
"What promise?"
"He see's in you what was in me when I first started all of this. I made a promise to him to not let you turn out like me. You don't deserve this type of pain."

Pam let out a soft smile as he looked at Finn.  She loved how he cared about her. He was such a great friend.
But Bayley was also worried. She didn't know exactly what he meant by 'this type of pain'. How badly was he hurting?
"You made a promise to help me, right?"
"Okay. I'll let you help me, if, you let me help you."
"I'm beyond help can't help me."
"Then you can't help me!"
"Fine, you can try to help me..."

Fergal excepted his defeat and looked at Bayley. Something about her wanting to help him. It made him feel special, like he was important to someone. He hadn't felt that way in a very long time. He was happy he still knew what that felt like, it had been so long he forgot how to feel special.
"Thank you..." Finn mumbled under his breath.
"Nothing." Finn smiled to himself before wrapping his arm around Bayley's shoulders.
"Let's get back to mine, it's cold."

They walked along the road until Pam grabbed Fergals hand and felt the cuts left on it from earlier that night.
She gasped in shock and let go of it within an instant.
Slowly she raised his hand, once again, closer to her before examining the wounds, tears started to fill her eyes.
Finn tried to pull back but he didn't want to upset Bayley if he did. So he swallowed his pride for the moment and just stayed still and waited for her to say something.
"Finn, you don't cause the pain you think you don't deserve this..."

Her words touched Finn, he let a smile sneak onto his face before replying to Pam.
"Neither do you..."

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