Chapter 6

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"Finn, Finn! Finn Wake up!"
Finn woke up to a voice literally screeching in his ear to wake up.
"What? What happen?"
"It's 2:20pm, we have a plane to catch!"

Finn got up within an instant. They slept in too late. Both Bayley and Finn had a plane to catch at 6:00pm and neither of them were ready, they would have to leave at 4:00pm to make it in time for the flight.
Fergal smiled at Bayley and began to laugh to himself.
"I guess this is what we get do staying up so late. "
Bayley laughed with him.
"I guess so."

Finn said if she wanted, Bayley could have a shower, so she did. When she got out she put a dressing gown Finn's sister left at his and began to dry her hair with a towel. There was a knock on the door so Bayley answered it to find Mercedes standing there worried and shocked.
"Hey Sasha!"
"What the hell Pam? I was worried sick last night! I didn't know where you were or who you were with! I thought maybe you had gone back to Aaron or something really bad had happened to you! You didn't answer your phone all night, I tried to call you about 60 times! I almost had a heart attack! How could you do this to me! What if you got hurt? What would I do then! What if-"

Pam cut her friend off, she was surprised her friend could still talk after how quickly she was speaking, she didn't even need to pause to breathe. That is one special talent.

"Woah woah woah, Sasha...calm down... I stayed the night at Finn's and my phone died, sorry! But Shinsuke knew I went back with him, why didn't you ask him?"
"Wait, you stayed the night at Finn's?"
Mercedes just grinned at her friend,
"Okay then. Well it's a good thing I brought your suitcase with me, here you go!"
Mercedes shoved the suitcase into Bayley's arms and skipped away. She skipped away. What was she planning?

Bayley ran out after Sasha, she wanted to know what was up.
"What was that about? That was a little crazy, even for you!"
"Hey, you saying I'm mental?"
Pam couldn't help notice that her friend was dodging the original question so she asked her again,
"What was that about anyway?"
"Enzo told me where you were."
"Then why were you panicking earlier?"
Okay, now Bayley was really suspicious, what was going on with Sasha?
"Well, you stayed the night at Finn's house! You seriously can't expect me not to be suspicious can you?"
"What? We're just friends! You know that!"
"I know, can't be telling me you don't see the way he's so protective over you. That's more then just friendship my dear!"
"What?" Bayley had no idea what her friend was on about, Finn looked out for Bayley the way you would look after your best friend, which they were...right? That's how you treat a best friend?
"Whatever, just forget it! See ya later, don't miss you flight!"
"I won't...bye..."

And with that she walked off....that was without a doubt one of the weirdest things Bayley has ever encountered...
When she walked back into the apartment, she saw Finn looking at her very confused.
"What was that about?"
"Honestly...I have no idea."
"Okay?" Finn just chuckled and carried in packing.
"You can get changed in my room, I'll just finish up packing out here."

While getting changed, Bayley couldn't help but think about what Sasha said out in the hallway. Finn was protective over her, he always had been, but that's just how he was right? Just a, caring friend that looked out for everyone. Right?
The more she thought about it, the more she realised that Finn was especially overprotective of Bayley then any other of their friends. Could that just be because he didn't want Bayley to end up doing what he did, or was it because he cared for her more then the others?

Now she was confused, her head hurt and she just wanted it to stop, so she pushed those thoughts out of the way and just focused on what was going on right now. They had a plane to catch.

Always and Forever || • Finn Bálor x Bayley • ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz