Chapter 22

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It was the next week on Raw. Bayley was announcing that she wouldn't be able to compete at Summer Slam, and that she would be out of action for a while.

When Bayley got backstage, she burst into tears. She hated not being able to wrestle and all of it just got too much for her. Finn came to her side and pulled her into a tight hug. She carried on to cry into his chest, but Finn didn't mind. He hated seeing Bayley like this, especially since he knew how she felt. It was something he never in his life wanted Pam to go through.

The couple just stayed together in silence until a backstage worker told Finn he had to get ready for his promo on Bray Wyatt. "I'll be right back, okay?"
Pam was only able to nod in response. When he had to go, Sasha came over to comfort Pam in replacement.

As Bayley watched Finn talk in the ring, she started to cry less and less. She just got mesmerised by the words he was saying, not only because she was in love with the man speaking the words, but because of what he was saying.

"One thing that I've learnt in life, is that when fear comes stand up, and you kick fear in the face."

Finn's words got cheers from the crowd but it also made Bayley calm down. She was scared about what was going to happen to her. She was scared she wasn't going to have a career after this injury. I guess you could say, she was full of fear.

Pam pulled away from Sasha's arms to face the screen. She smiled to herself. She was scared, but that was okay. She thought to herself, "I'm not going to let this injury stop me."

It seemed cliche in her head, but it was those words that Finn spoke that helped her. Even though Finn was actually talking to Bray Wyatt, she couldn't help but think maybe he spoke those words to try and push Bayley so she knew it was okay to be afraid. And that she should face her fears and she could fight them.
"Pam, everything okay?" Bayley tuned to see Sasha looking at her concerned.
"Yeah. Everything's perfect."

But perfect is so overrated...


After Finn came backstage,  Bayley greeted him with a huge hug. Still trying to be careful of her shoulder. "Thank you." She whispered so that he could barley hear her.
"For what?" Finn returned her hug but was confused on what Bayley meant.
"For everything."

Fergal just smiled, what else was he meant to say? This moment was perfect just the way it was.

"Lets head back shall we?"


Walking through the door to their home, Pam was greeted by a little fluff ball jumping at her feet. She placed her bags down to one side before picking Flex up with her good arm and petting him with her injured one. "Hello boy! I've missed you so much!"

When Finn walked in he took his and Pam's bags to their room before returning and talking to Bayley's mum in private. The two had a quick conversation before exchanging hugs and that's when Pam's mum left. She gave Bayley a hug and said bye.

"What was that about?" Bayley said with a cheeky grin on her face, Flex still in her hands.
"Nothing, just asking how Flex was while we were gone." Finn said returning her smile with his own.
"Sure sure."

Bayley knew that wasn't the truth. She just didn't know why Finn wouldn't tell her what they were talking about. Maybe it was about her shoulder, maybe they were just talking about rehab and just didn't want to bring it up incase it upset her.

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