Chapter 5

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Bayley woke up and her head felt fuzzy. It wasn't quite a hangover but her head still hurt. She turned towards the clock to see it was 3:32am, she had only slept for about an hour and a half.
She was about to go back to sleep when she realised this wasn't Mercedes spare room, where she was supposed to be staying. She looked around and everything was different. There were clothes around the floor and she was in a long top that belonged to someone else. Bayley was about to run out of the room screaming, but then she remembered she was at Finn's house. She was in Finn's bed, wearing Finn's top. But where was Finn?

Slowly and quietly, she got out of the bed and crept towards the door opening it slightly. All she could see was the back of the sofa and some feet dangling off of the edge. So Fergal was sleeping on the sofa.
She tried to quietly walk over to him to see if he was okay, but the floor boards all of sudden felt really creaky and made a noise with every step.
"What woke you up so early?" The sound if his voice almost made Bayley jump backwards, she thought he was fast asleep.
"I dunno, I just woke up."
"Same, I woke up about 10 minutes before you came in."
"Oh, okay that's good. I thought I woke you."

Pam was glad she didn't wake Finn up, but she felt bad that he was sleeping on the sofa and it wasn't her. It was his bed after all.
"Do you want to sleep in the bed? You look a bit too tall for that sofa."
They both chuckled lightly before Bayley got a reply.
"I'll be okay Bay, I've slept on worse."

Finn sat up on the sofa and patted for Bayley to sit next to him. When she sat down he put his arm round her and asked if she was okay. He got a hum in reply which meant she was.
There was a awkward silence in the room while they just sat there. Unsure of what to say and do.
"Wanna talk?" Finn was the one to break the silence.
"About what?"
"Anything, everything? I don't mind. You decide."
"I don't know..."
"Okay....what's your favourite memory from NXT?"
At this point, Finn was just trying to find something to keep Bayley's mind from thinking about Aaron. He was just trying to start a conversation to keep her distracted.
"My favourite memory from NXT?"
"Okay....let me think..."

While Bayley was recalling her favourite memories from NXT, she only just noticed Finn's arm that was around her shoulders and decided to snuggle into him. Just resting her head against his chest.
" It was probably winning the NXT Woman's Championship and when you did my entrance, that was funny!"
"Haha, I remember! You called me your favourite wrestler!"
"That's cuz you are one of my favourites !"
"One of your favourites? Not your all time favourite?"
Finn sarcastically looked at Bayley with a hurt expression on his face. And grabbed where his heart was and looked at her in shock.
"I'm hurt!"

Bayley just laughed and pushed Bálor away lightly.
"Oh please Fergal, you love me really!"
Fergal ran his fingers through his hair and laughed with her.

They stayed up for hours going over some of the best moments from NXT and hilarious moments they had had since being in the main roster.
"I've missed this."
"Missed what?" Finn looked at Bayley confused, what was she going on about?
"This. Us. Just, talking, messing about, having fun."
"Me too...why didn't Aaron let you see me again?"

Ever since Aaron found out how close Bayley and Finn were, he always told Bayley to stay away from him and got really mad at her whenever she was with Finn. She never really knew why, but she thinks it was because he was jealous maybe? Finn and Bayley were a lot closer then her and Aaron were. The two had even been thought to be going out at times when Bayley was still engaged to Aaron. They had kind of drifted away when Aaron got overprotective of Bayley. She was glad to have Finn back.
"Yeah, Aaron was always jealous of you."
"Jealous? Of me?"
"Yeah, we've always been closer then me and Aaron have ever been. I'm glad to have you."

Finn pulled Bayley into a hug and just stayed there for a moment or two.
"I thought I was the one that was meant to give hugs!"
They both laughed.
"Are You saying no-one else is allowed to give hugs?"
"I never said that!"

For the rest of the night they just talked about the most random things like they always used to. It wasn't until about 7am until they both finally fell back to sleep.
Before Finn went to sleep, he wrapped a blanket around Bayley. She had fallen asleep on the floor, both of them had, but Fergal was way to tired and carry Bayley into his room and was already falling asleep when he tried to.

Fergal fell asleep watching Bayley. He thought to himself, How can I help her? I can never let her end up where I have. She's too precious.

Precious. That's how Finn would describe his best friend Bayley. Precious. She was so important to him and he never wanted to see her hurt.
He was glad about the promise he made to Shinsuke. It was bringing him and Pam closer. He had missed all the time they had spent together, he was glad he was getting to do that all again.

Sorry for not updating in a couple of days! I'm trying to get there out as fast as I can but I asilo want these chapters to be really 😊😊
I will hopefully have the next chapter out sooner. I'm not sure. But sorry for updating late, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Always and Forever || • Finn Bálor x Bayley • ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz