Chapter 13

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"Please Kurt! I used to be a champion! Now I'm nothing but a joke! Please! Just change my story line! Please!"
"I'm sorry Bayley, but I can't just change your story line in the middle of it, if I could I would, but I can't."
"I don't care that I'm not a champion anymore, you don't have to make it so I can maybe be champion. Just make it so I'm not a joke to the WWE."
"Like I said, I can't."
"I'm sorry Bayley, I am, but I can't do anything."

Bayley ran out of the general managers office and went straight over to her car, grabbing her bag on the way.

It was the end of the show but Bayley couldn't handle looking like a fool anymore. The writers were burying her.

Pam didn't care that Bayley wasn't in line for the women's championship, she just wanted to wrestle. But she couldn't wrestle if she was told to act weak and not want to hurt anybody.

She stood outside her car, he hands against the roof. She was so frustrated.
"Bay, what's wrong?"

An arm wrapped around her from behind, she leant back against the body behind her.
"It's not fair, Finn. I just want a different storyline, how hard is it to change it?"  Bayley could tell she was tearing up, it always happened to her when she got frustrated.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure it will turn out okay. Don't cry, Bay."  Finn wiped away her tear from her face.

Fergal turned Pam around so that she was now facing her. They just stayed there for a couple moments in a hug.

"Why am I such an emotional mess? Ugh!" Pam wiped the rest of her tears, while turning around and slammed her hands on the roof of the car again.

"Bay....I-I...I don't know what to do. I'm sure your storyline will turn out just fine. How could they waste you?"

Bayley once again turned to look at Finn but noticed this time he had two suitcases next to him. One of them was hers.

"I believe we have a flight to catch?" Bayley's eyes widened!
"Oh my! I can't believe I forgot! What time is it? Have we missed it?"
"No, it's okay, we still have a couple of hours, but we need to head to the airport."

Finn and Bayley got into the same car since Bayley gave Finn a ride to the arena. They drove to the airport to go to their next destination. Madison Square Garden.


One day away from great balls of fire. Last night both Finn and Bayley preformed in The Garden. The most famous arena ever.

Finn was slowly waking up. Last night was a really big night for him. He was so thrilled to have been in the worlds most famous arena.

He turned his head to see Pam next to him, her arm wrapped around his chest. Fergal smiled. He loved to Bayley so much, he was so happy to have her here.

When Pam started to wake up she saw Finn starring at her. "Is there something in my face?" She laughed.

"No, I was just thinking."
"About what?"
"Us. It's crazy, when everyone else thought we should be together, we didn't. And now, we are. We're together."

A wide smile came across both of their faces. Bayley had never thought about that really. Yes, she was sometimes still shocked that her and Finn were together. But shocked in a good way.

Always and Forever || • Finn Bálor x Bayley • ||Where stories live. Discover now