Chapter 19

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"Happy Birthday!!"

Finn woke up with a smile on his face. All he saw was Bayley with a big silly party hat on. She had a huge smile and she was holding a tray. "Morning, Bay. What's this?"
"In bed?"
"I love you."
Bayley giggled as Finn sat up and she handed him his breakfast. "Thank you!"
Bayley sat down with him. She had a bowl of cereal. She wasn't that hungry.

After breakfast Finn had a shower while Bayley got some stuff ready.

Bayley looked at the time, it was 8:53am. He sent a text to Rami, she knew he had Smackdown today and he was preforming, but they still were going to make sure Finn had an awesome birthday.

Bayley: Hey Sami, what you got planned for today?

Sami: I have a card for him and me and everyone else here are coming round tomorrow to surprise him.

Bayley: Awesome! Can't wait!! See ya then!

Sami: Byyeeee

"Bay, everything alright?" Finn was coming out the shower and he looked at Bayley as she starred at the phone.
"Everything's perfect!" She was so excited for today! She was going to make it perfect!


Later that day, once they were both ready and dressed, Bayley took Finn out to a small café in town.
"Are you alright for going out tonight?"
"Of course!"

At the café Bayley saw some people in the window. Finally they were here! She worried they might not have been able to find this place since they were new around here.

"Whatever you do, don't turn around."
Finn started to worry a bit, was there a bee behind him or something? Out of curiosity, Finn ignored Bayley and turned around. When his eyes took him out of the window he immediately smiled and walked up to the door to greet the people he saw.

"Happy birthday Fergal!"
"Mum! Dad! What are you doing here?" Finn had a huge smile on his face, he hadn't seen his family in what felt like forever. All his dad did was point in the direction of Bayley.

Finn walked up to Bayley and gave her the biggest hug ever! "Thank you so much!"
Pam only smiled, she loved seeing Finn so happy.

The day went on and Finn always had a smile on his face! He spent most of the day with his family and Bayley, since he would be spending the night out with also Bayley but also some of his friends.

Everyone was back at Finn's place. The lights went out and everyone else went into the kitchen, confused at first Finn started to follow but when Bayley stopped him from coming in, he knew what to expect.

His suspicions were confirmed when everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him and the only light in the room were three candles. It was cake time.

Finn blew out his candles and made a wish. As silly as it sounds it was something he always did. He heard the saying make a wish so much as a child, it was something he kept with him as he became an adult.

When the lights came back on, he saw the type of cake he had and his face lit up. It was a dinosaur cake! "I can't believe you actually got me a dinosaur cake!" Bayley laughed along with his family. "Of course I did! It's what you wanted after all!" Finn joined in with everyone's laughter.

"I just realised! You haven't had any of your presents yet!"
"You didn't need to get me anything, Bay."
"Don't be silly Fergal! Let her give you her gift!"
"Okay...sorry mum..."

Finn tried to hold back his laughter but miserably failed, so to cover it up Bayley started to laugh with him. She found it funny how he still got told off by his mum but she didn't want him to. So she helped him stay out of trouble for the rest of the day.

As Finn unwrapped his presents from his parents, he thanked thanked them and gave them all giant hugs. But when he got Bayley's present it was a more an over the top reaction.

He jumped at her and she thought he was crying, but he wasn't. He was just so excited. He gave her a kiss before pulling out her present out of the box.
Bayley had got Finn a puppy!

"It's so cute! Thank you so much Bay! Oh's...what's his name?" Finn was so happy he couldn't talk properly.
"Haha, his name is Flexy."
"Hello Flexy!" Finn held the dog up and brought it into a cuddle. "I love this so much!! Thank you so much, Bay!"
"No problem!"

Finn checked his phone and there were a bunch of Happy Birthday comments and messages. There was one from Shinskuke which made him happy. The two hadn't talked in a couple of days.

Finn was saying goodbye to his parents, and thanking them for today while Bayley cleaned up in the kitchen. When Finn came back he snuck up behind Bayley and put his arms round her.

"Hey, what's up?"
"Thank you so much for an awesome Birthday."
"No problem." Flexy was asleep on the sofa, tired from all the commotion earlier.

"What time are we going out? Oh and who's coming?"
"Well...Sasha will be there and a load from the locker room. Including Enzo...and Cass...."

Even though it was Enzo's idea for Cass to turn heel, the two eventually took it personally and are now actually not friends. Which meant Finn and Bayley's job tonight was to keep them away from each other.

"Oh and we're going at 8. It's 6:45 now."
"Finn? What's up?"
"Okay, I want to ask you something Bayley."
"What Is it?" Bayley turned to face him.
"I'll be right back, I need to get something."

Finn walked into his bedroom and retrieved something from his drawer. Bayley walked closer to his room until Finn came back out.

Finn placed a small object in Bayley's hand and began talking. She didn't know what was in her hand yet.

"I understand if you say no, it might be quite sudden, but I really want to ask you anyway."
"I love you Bayley, and I love spending time with you. You've helped me so much lately and I can't imagine my life without you. I don't like it whenever you're not here. Not with me. So, Bayley, will you.....move in with me?"

"Oh my god...Finn I thought you were proposing or something!" Playfully she hit him in the shoulder. "Yes, I would love to live in with you." When Bayley opened up her hand she saw that a key was there. Finn smiled widely and Bayley mirrored his smile.

Finn pulled Bayley closer and kissed her, she kissed back and wrapped her arms around him. He lifted her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around him. "What time is it?" Finn looked towards the clock. "Um..6:54." Bayley smiled, "Alright then." Both Bayley and Finn smirked.

Finn carried Bayley into the bedroom, both of them still with smiles on there faces.


OMG i can't believe I wrote this! 🙈 Oh well...hope you enjoy?

Oh and HAHA! You guys thought Finn was going to propose! Got ya! 😂

Please don't kill me in the comments I'm sorry...

Also I have no idea if Bayley's dog Is a boy or girl, so if you know can you please let me know! Also I thinks it's name is flexy, that's what i've been calling it for months anyway 😂😂😬

So yeah....I wrote this....I'm embarrassed....goodbye, enjoy

-KiKi 💕💫

Always and Forever || • Finn Bálor x Bayley • ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora