Chapter 17

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"Bye mum, bye dad!"
"Bye Pam! Goodbye Fergal!"

Finn smiled as he waved goodbye to Pam's family. It was Sunday and they had to be on an airplane for tomorrow's show.

In the taxi, as they were driving to the airport, Bayley asked Finn a question. "So, what do you think?"
"My family you goof ball!"
"Oh yeah," Finn smiled widely as he continued to answer Bayley's question. "Well, your dad is somewhat intermediating, but nice once you get to know him, your mum is honestly so nice, and your cousins, aunties and uncles. And you nieces and nephews are so cute! I love them!"

Pam mirrored Finn's smile, "I could tell."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
" show your soft side quite a bit around them."

Finn started to blush red, he let out a little laugh, but that was the only response he had.

Raw Live:

Bayley was getting ready for her match against Alexa Bliss. She was a little nervous since her recent matches again Alexa hadn't been working out too well for her. But none the less, she got to wrestle. Bad gimmick or not, at least she was still wrestling.

As her music hit and Bayley walked out onto the ramp, she felt that joy and excitement overcome her again. The type that she always felt every single time she walked out onto the ramp and was greeted by hundreds of people.

During her match,  Bayley was quite dominant and didn't really hold back, but half way through Nia Jax came out to ringside. She got int he way, blocking Alexa from Bayley a couple times, but then Sasha came out to deal with her. In the end, Bayley was able to hit Alexa with the Bayley to Belly and ended up pinning the champ.

It was a good match, Bayley was definitely more fierce now and was starting to get some momentum again.

Backstage, she was greeted by a hug from Finn. "Well done Bay! You did amazing!"

"Haha, thanks Finn! I'm so happy right now!" It was true. Bayley was happy right now, she was so thrilled with herself for that match. It was one of the best she has had in a while.

When it was time for Finn's match, Bayley watched in in excitement, she was still in an amazing mood from her match earlier. She knew it wasn't the best match she had ever had, but it was the best match for her in a while.

Nearly all the way through Finn's match, he was dominating. There were a couple of close calls for big if them but Finn still seemed to be ontop. He was amazing in the ring and probably one of the best WWE had today.

It seemed like Finn was about to hit Elias with a drop kick or something after he rolled out of the ring, when all of a sudden Samson hit Finn over the head with a guitar.

Bayley was shocked. She had to cover her moth with her hands to stop herself from screaming. She could see the blood in Finn's hair from where it cut him.

She wanted to run out to the ring and slap Samson in the face, but she knew if she did she would get in huge trouble. And she could afford to be in trouble at the moment.

The bell went for a disqualification, so Finn still won the match, but the cut on his head looked pretty bad.

Finn was being helped to the back by referees when Bray Wyatt came onto the screen. Bayley was at the gorilla waiting for Finn to come backstage but she was surprised and confused when she saw Bray on the TV.

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