Chapter 21

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"Hey Bayley?" Finn called out from the other side of his apartment.
"Yeah?" Bayley was on her phone, looking through some of the tweets she received over the last few hours.
"Where's our next Raw show?"

It was two days till Raw, which meant it was Saturday. Not long to go and they had to fly out tomorrow, but Finn wasn't exactly sure where it was they were going.
"Um...let me check." Bayley opened her laptop and searched through her emails, she knew she had it somewhere in all this junk. "Pittsburgh, want me to book the plane tickets?"
"Yes please, I'll pay for the hotel."

As Finn walked over to Pam, Flexy jumped up at him. Finn realised something, what about Flex?
"Yeah?" She let out a small sigh.
"What are we going to do about this little?"

Bayley turned her head to see Finn holding Flexy in his arms. That's when she realised that she can't leave him here all by himself. Her mind tried to think of all kind of solutions, that's when she hit the jackpot. "We need someone to look after our place, right?" Finn just nodded. "Well, I can ask my mum to come over while we're gone and she can also look after Flexy." She said wth a smile on her face.

Finn's worried expression eventually also turned into a smile. "Okay, that's great!"


Raw Live:

Backstage, Bayley was preparing for her match against Nia Jax. Finn didn't have a match tonight but he did to attack Bray Wyatt during one of his promo's.
"Why do we always end up having the same conversation every night?"
"Because, I'm always a nervous wreck before every match. But this is different-it's Nia Jax!"
"You can handle her, it's not like before, and if Alexa gets involved, punch her in the face." Finn said with a smirk on his face.

Bayley tried to smile, but her nerves got the best of her and all she could manage was a smile that seemed quite pathetic.
"C'mon Bay, you'll do great. I know you will." To reassure even more, Finn pulled her into a hug. Of course she hugged him back. But, whenever Bayley was in Finn's arms, it felt like she had nothing to worry about. She felt as if she was in a perfect world.

"I need to go now."
"Okay, good luck!" Finn let go of Bayey as she made her way out to the ring. She was nervous about facing Nia Jax, and she showed that a bit the s find Nia was in her view,but when she was doing her entrance she looked like the happiest girl in the world. She always did during her entrance.

During the match, Nia was quite dominant but Bayley was still able to hold her own. She got in some offence and was able to send Nia out of the ring. But when they were both in the ring, Nia threw Bayley down to the ground at full force, making her roll out onto the floor below.

Bayley knew right at that second something was wrong, and Finn could tell too, watching backstage.

Maybe it was the way that Bayley grabbed her shoulder, or the look of pain on her face. But it was the exact same look Finn had on his face and the exact same way he grabbed his shoulder last Summer Slam. She had seriously hurt it and Finn didn't want what had happened to him to happen to Bayley.

Finn's mind went into panic, he just wanted to go out there and hug Bayley tightly so she knew it would be okay. But he also knew it might not be.

If Bayley carried in with the match like Finn did at Summer Slam, then she might hurt her shoulder even more. The referee asked her if she could finish the match, and because of how Bayley was she said yes. She felt like she had to finish the match. But Finn didn't know why. This match was pointless, it was the real thing. It wasn't against Alexa. It wasn't Summer Slam.

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