Chapter 10

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Bayley was in the restroom with Sasha and Becky while Finn, Sami and Shinsuke were at the table waiting for them.
"Wait, so why are you guys here again?"
"Well, I'm here to help Sasha and Becky get you with Bayley."
"And I'm here to make sure you keep your promise. Becky told me and Sami all of their plan to get you two together on the way here."
"How do you guys even know Bayley likes me that way, she might still have feelings for Aaron for all we know. She might not even want a relationship. I think you guys are being way to enthusiastic about this."
"Of course we are." Sami smiled at Finn, they were excited. More than Finn knew.

While Sasha and Becky had this chance with Bayley, they started to ask her about love, and her feelings, what she was going to do with them.
"Sasha, I know you're trying to help me except my feelings, but I don't think I'm ready to love someone again. "

"What do you mean Bay?" Becky looked at Bayley with an eyebrow raised.

Sasha looked at Becky, they had to help get Bayley to get over Aaron. It was clear to anyone she was in love with Finn, but Bayley just didn't except those feelings.

"What I mean is, it hurts too much. You think you know someone, and they go and stab you in the back when you least expect it. That hurts." Bayley was getting a little bit emotional when talking about what it felt to have Aaron betray her, so she went over to the bar to get a refill on her drink.
She wasn't drinking alcohol. But she had already drank most of her drink.

On her way she looked over at the guys and smiled, she signalled to them she would only be a minute.

Just after the person behind the bar took her glass to refill it with lemonade, she heard a very familiar laugh. A laugh that would once make her turn a round with nothing but joy on her face. But now it made her want to cry.
"Pam? I wasn't expecting to see you here. How are you?"

Bayley turned around to see Aaron, standing there with a smirk in his face.
"How do you think I am?"
"Wow, harsh much? You didn't even give me a chance to explain." He was laughing at her misery. Why?
"Then explain."

She knew she was going to regret telling him to explain why he did what he did. She didn't think she was ready to hear the truth, but she needed to know why.

"From the day we first met, you always made it clear that you wanted to make it big in the WWE, and you have. But me on the other hand, I knew I couldn't make it as big as you might, it was just fact. The WWE needed more female wrestlers for NXT and you were there for them to introduce to everyone. I did love you when we first started dating, but not for long. You were traveling everywhere, I barley got anytime with you and I just fell...out of love...with you...I didn't end things with you because I knew I could use your fame to help get me bigger. To help get me to where I am now and for that, I thank you. But I used you. I've been cheating on you for months. How can you except me to be loyal to someone I don't even love?"

Bayley starred at Aaron. It couldn't be true, it wasn't true. She could feel the tears that made their way down her face.
"But you wanted to Marry me..."
"I wanted to Marry Bayley, not Pam. I wanted to marry into the fame, not to our love."

Bayley knew she had tears falling all down her face quicker than she could process them. The so called love of her life had been using her from near the start of their relationship. Ever since Bayley managed to get into NXT, her life was nothing but a lie....

"'s not true! You DID love me!" Her voice was all shaky and she had to talk through her tears without rain sing her voice.
"I did...just not for long...." with his words, he went towards the exit and disappeared from sight.

She covered her mouth with her hand and backed away from the bar, grabbing her lemonade on the way and ran straight into the toilets to grab some tissues.

Once she had a handful and dried her tears, she made her way back to the table to find Sasha and Becky looking relieved to see her.
"Where were you?"
"A-at the bar..."

Finn seemed to be the first one to notice her stutter.
"Everything alright Bay?" He looked at her concerned.
"I..I ran into Aaron..." Bayley could feel the tears coming but was quick to wipe them away.

When the words came out of her mouth, both Sasha's and Finn's faces dropped.
"He...he told me..." she couldn't get her words out through her tears. She was crying too much.
"He told me...why he did it....he used me for years!"

Sasha was quick to her feet and went over to give her best friend a hug but Bayley moved out of the way.
"Sorry...I-I need a minute..." and then she ran outside crying.

Everyone froze. What were they supposed to do? Becky looked over at Sami with sorrow in her eyes and then at Finn, who was still shaken up from what he just heard.
Nakamura was the first to break the silence and nudged Finn.
"A promise is a promise. Go help her."

Finn didn't reply, he just slowly got up and walked over to where she ran out, not saying a word.

"Bayley...I sorry...he WILL pay for what he's done to you. Me and Mercedes will make sure of that!"

Pam looked at her good friend Fergal.
"You don't just like Bayley do you? You like Pam, Pamela, the real. You like her aswell?"

At first Finn was a bit confused about what Bayley meant but caught on and replied to her question and smiled.
"I love both of you. I don't see you as separate people, I see you both as my best friend and incredible people."
"You mean it?"
"Always and forever..."

This time it was finally Bayley that pulled Finn into a hug. Those words, words that meant he loved Pam for being Pam, and not just Bayley, those words meant a lot to her. They were what she wanted somebody to tell her for a long time, but she didn't even know it was what she wanted to hear.

"I think I'm over him. I don't think I care about him anymore."
Finn smiled, he was happy Bayley was feeling better.
"So no more tears over him?"

Bayley wiped away every last year on her face, "He isn't worth a single one of them."

Fergal looked down at his friend. She went from being so fragile and delicate to so strong and confident in a matter of minutes.

Finn chuckled, "I'm glad you're over him. You've always deserved better."

"Maybe I did. And maybe 'better', has always been by my side..."

Bayley excepted her feelings for Finn, but did he except them?

She just started into his eyes wondering if they could ever be together. If she could indeed love Finn, when he leaned down and kissed her on her forehead.

Bayley started to blush bright red and nervously giggled.

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed how I feel for you before. Everyone else seems to have."

"Wait, what?" Bayley was taken back, what did he mean?

"I love you Pam, not just for Bayley, but for you. I love you."

Pam tilted her head slightly at Finn's touching words. "I love you too."

Always and Forever || • Finn Bálor x Bayley • ||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin