Chapter 9

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"Are you sure about this Sasha? They might not be ready to be in a relationship together."
"Of course they are Becky, you have to see the way they look at each other."
"I guess..."

Becky and Sasha were going through with their plan. It was no secret that Becky once had feelings for Finn, but that was a long time ago, she doesn't like him that way anymore. She was happy for Bayley and Finn. Well, for when they got together that was.

Sasha and Becky were walking back to the hotel. It was the next day and the meal was really nice. But they had just made reservations at a dance restaurant kin of place. They were going to invite Finn and Bayley, and both invite someone each.
"The plan is in action." Sasha smirked.
Becky just laughed, this was so exciting.

Finn was at the stadium in Los Angeles. He was training getting ready for his match tonight.
"Dude, take a break. Like, seriously. You need a break."  Enzo was standing next to his friend and watched him wide eyed.
"I'm fine Enzo, I just started."
"Then slow down, you still have a match to fight later!"
"Okay, for you Enzo." They both smiled and continued to get ready for Raw tonight.

When Bayley walked over Finn didn't notice her until she was standing right I front of him.
"Bay! When did you get here?"
"2 seconds ago. Cass told me to bring you two some water so here you go!"
She handed both Enzo and Finn a bottle of water then walked off. Even though Cass was meant to be betraying Enzo, the pair were still really good friends in real life. It was actually Enzo's idea for Cass to go heel and start his own path.

By the time Sasha and Becky had gotten to the stadium, The opening segment was already starting.
Roman Reigns' music just started to play when they were able to find everyone they needed to.
"Rami! Hi, will you come to this night out with me, Becky, Finn and Bayley? Oh and whoever Becky invites!"
"Um...sure Sasha, when is it?"
"Tomorrow night, thanks!"

While Sasha asked Rami, Becky was looking for Shinsuke Nakamura. She was going to invite him to the night out, when she finally found him, he agreed to go and that was that. Now all they had to do was tell Finn and Bayley that they were going.


The show went well.  Finn got to team up with some of his childhood heroes, The Hardy Boyz! They win the match and watching it back, we noticed Matt and Jeff had even joined in with his entrance when he was on the turnbuckle. It was amazing!
"Hey Finn! Your match was amazing! I can't believe you got to team up with The Hardy Boyz!"
"Thanks Sasha! And I know, it was probably one of my best experiences here yet!"
"So...are you free tomorrow night?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You and Bayley are going to this night out thing with Me, Sami, Becky and Shinsuke. Oh, and of course Bayley!"
Finn smiled at Sasha, trying to work out why.
"What's the occasion?"
"Me! It's to celebrate me becoming the number one contender and winning the gauntlet match!"
"Oh okay, message me the details, I'll be there."

1 down, and 1 to go. Sasha couldn't wait for this.
She was walking down the corridor when she finally found Bayley. She was crying.
"Bay? What's wrong?"
Bayley turned to face her and immediately pulled her friend in for a hug.
"Aaron wants to meet up...he wants to explain everything...I don't want to see him..."
"Tomorrow night..."
"Tell him your busy, cuz you're going to be!"

Bayley looked at her friend confused, she hadn't had anything planned for tomorrow night. Sasha could sense the confusion in Bayley.
"Me, You and a group of others are going out for a night out, please come!"
"Anything to get out of seeing him..."
Mercedes smiled at her friend. She hated seeing Pam like this, but Sasha wasn't going to let Aaron stop her from going through with her plan on getting Bayley and Finn together.

Sorry for not updating for a while and this chapter being shorter. But I've re-wrote this chapter 3 times already! I just can't seem to write it the way I want to but I'm happy with it like this so it will have to do! I will try to update everyday but I'm not sure I'll be able to sorry!

I hope you Enjoy!

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