Chapter 12

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They couple have been going out for almost a week now. Tonight was their first night at Raw together, they were both excited and nervous as they were still coming up with ways to announce their relationship.

Pam was in the women's changing room when Alexa Bliss came up to her. "Hey Bayley!"

Bayley was surprised by this, Alexa and Bayley had recently had a feud for storyline purposes, but outside of that they never really talked.
"I heard you and Aaron broke up! I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay, it was a little while ago now. I'm over it."

Alexa glanced over at the clock "Aww shoot! Is that the time already? I gotta run, I got a championship that needs showing off. You probably won't be able to hold it again if your storyline continues how it is."

Bayley looked away as Alexa walked off. Was that why she started the conversation with her, to get under her skin? It was pathetic really.

Alexa was young and still had a lot to learn, so Bayley just shrugged it off.

When she walked out of the locker room, she got a tap on the shoulder and turned around having a pretty good idea who it was. "What do you want Alexa?"
"Woah! Calm down, it's me!"

Bayley stepped backwards in surprise to see Elias Samson standing there. She thought it was Bliss, guess she was wrong.
"Oh, my bad. I thought you were-"
"Don't be sorry, she is quite annoying."
"She's young."

Pam starred at Samson, he was just lost in silence. She knew that Finn and Samson were in a feud, but she was confused on why he was here.
"What's up?"
"Oh, sorry. I just wanted to say congrats with Finn. You two are finally together."
"Oh, thank you!"
"See you out there Bayley."

Bayley was quite confused at the way that he said goodbye. They hadn't had anything planned to meet out in the ring. Was he up to something? Or was she just overthinking?

He thoughts were cut short by someone grabbing her from behind and swinging her around.
"Aaah! Finn put me down!"

Finn laughed, "You don't like being swung do you?"
"Well, it makes me dizzy!"

Even though Finn and Bayley were now more then just friends, they still messed around like before. Messing with each other and playing games backstage. Nothing had changed, it was just like normal.

A huge smile came across Bayley's face at the mention of food. "Yes! Food!"

"You know, for a little person, you eat tons!"
"What can I say? Food is amazing!"
Finn jokingly rolled his eyes at her comment but Bayley noticed.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?"
"No." Finn looked up straight away, starring at Bayley. When I smile creeped upon his face, he just couldn't help it.
"Fergal!" Bayley was trying to be mad with him but couldn't help and smile.
"Sorry!" Finn put his hands up in surrender, he knew before him and Bayley started dating that you should not get on her bad side.


Finn's match against Cesaro went really well, outside interference got involved but it was still pretty awesome to watch.

Finn managed to get the win over Cesaro but before he retreated to the back, Elias grabbed a microphone and started talking.
"Congratulations on your victory Finn, you really are full of surprises."

Always and Forever || • Finn Bálor x Bayley • ||Where stories live. Discover now