Chapter 7

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Finn was going through the security checks at the Airport with Bayley, he had to take his jacket off and walk through a monitor to see if he was 'clear' to travel and didn't have anything on them that they shouldn't have.
Finn was worried about taking his jacket off but he didn't want to make a fuss so he just did it as quickly as he could.

Finn was ahead of Bayley, when he went through, she saw him holding onto his arm. When he reached to pick his jacket up, that's when Bayley saw why.
A look if hurt came across her face, so it was real. Her happy and goofy friend really was hurting....hurting more then she knew...

Bayley waited until they were on the plane to say anything. Up until this point she gave him the silent treatment and left Fergal wondering what he did wrong.
"Pam? Pam, what did I do to upset you?"
No reply. She just walked off towards their flight.

When they sat down next to each other on the plane, Bayley by the window, she said the words Fergal was wishing she wouldn't have said. The one thing he didn't want her to say, and she said it.
"Your arm, that's what's wrong...."
Finn just started into a space in silence before replying.
"I-I'm sorry...I tried not to...but I had to..."
"I...I had a n-nightmare..."
"What about?" Bayley was determined to understand what was haunting him every night to make him do this to himself. She knew it was because of what his ex girlfriend did to him, but that was almost a year ago now, what kept that memory fresh in his mind?

Finn moved his hand away from his arm and saw there was a bit of blood stained on his fingers...he looked at Bayley, he could see she was holding back tears. He knew he should've wrapped them up, but he thought if he did then Bayley would've known straight away...

"When...when did you...I didn't see you..." Pam couldn't even finish her sentence, it hurt too much to say, but Finn knew what she meant.
"That 10 minutes before you came to me last night....I'm sorry..."
"Every night...every single time I close my eyes, I'm reminded of what a failure I was, how badly I must've let her down for her to do that to me. I feel the pain I felt when I found out she took everything from me and I'm reminded that I'll never be good enough for anyone all other started with her but she wasn't the last person I let down, the last person I's just too much Bay....I'm sorry..."

Bayley couldn't help it, the tears rolled down her face and there was nothing she could do about it....his words were just so powerful and had so much emotion behind them. She hated seeing him in so much pain. How did she miss this over the last few months?
She whipped he tears away the best she could and put her hand in his.
"Don't be sorry...I am one of the last people that you should give an explanation to, I'm sorry for asking....but Finn, you're not a failure, you've let no-one down. They've all let YOU down, don't forget that...."

Finn smiled, Bayley had this way of making Finn feel special once again, he loved that about her. He loved everything about her, she was amazing.
"Why are you one the last people that I should give an explanation to?"
"Because, I've thought about it..."
Finn's face dropped. He knew the pain that he was putting himself through and would never wish that pain onto Bayley.

"No, don't."
"I know, it's just hard...with everything with Aaron and all...."
Finn pulled her into a hug yet again and held her close. He could smell her hair, it smelt like coconuts.
"Promise me that you won't do it."
Bayley sighed,
"I promise, but you have to too!"
"Fine....I....I promise..."

It was clear to anyone that Finn was hesitant about the promise, but it was a promise he was willing to make if it meant Bayley was going to be safe and not do it.
They both sat backwards and looked out the window, hands both together, and looked out at the sky as they flew past clouds.

Bayley laid her head against Finn's chest. Something about her touch calmed Finn, he didn't know why, it just did. She made him feel an emotion he hadn't felt since....since Emily. Was Finn falling in love with Bayley? No he couldn't possibly be, she was his friend, best friend. It was nothing. Right?

Oh no....I'm in love again...
Finn felt light headed at his own thought, he both hated it and loved it. He could love someone, but he didn't want to let Bayley down, he didn't want to fail her....

A smirk came across Bayley's face when she heard Finn mumble something about love under his breath. She didn't exactly what he said, but she was giddy at the thought of Finn being in love. She was very childish, but she didn't know she was this childish, it made her laugh.
"What are you laughing at?" Finn looked down at her with a smile of curiosity on his face.
"To be honest, I have no idea."
"What? What are you like Bay?"
They just laughed together.


When the plane landed, and they got to their hotel, Fergal and Pam met up with the rest of their friends. Pam went straight over to give the girls hugs, so Finn went over to the group of, Sami, Neville, Enzo, Cass, Kevin Owens and Shinsuke to catch up.

Almost as soon as he got over Rami noticed his arm and gave him a look of disappointment. Finn new his friend was upset but he mouthed to him that was the last time, I promise.
Sami smiled. It was Finn's last time, he had promised Bayley after all.
" and Pam?"
"Don't worry Shinsuke, I'm keeping our promise."
"No! Not that!"
Finn looked around to see all his friends giggling among themselves like 8 year olds. He wanted to know what was up, but they were snickering like it was obvious. So Finn repeated himself.

Neville was the first to calm down and answer his very confused friend.
"You're telling me, you don't know what we're on about?"
"Dude, you're totally falling for Pam."
Finn went wide eyed and hit his friend softly in the shoulder, but not to soft.
"I am not!" He was beginning to blush now.
"You're blushing! You've got a crush on Bayley!"
"Shut up Cass!"
The rest of the group burst out laughing while Finn was still embarrassed that his friends caught him blushing at the mention of Bayley's name.

He knew at this point there was no point in denying it, he just didn't know that it was THAT obvious.
" maybe I do....Just a maybe though..."
Enzo let out an aww well the rest of the group just snickered.
"Tell her!"
"I can't tell her! She not long broke up with Aaron and I don't even know if I do or not!"
Neville and Kevin rolled their eyes while the rest of his friends just looked at him.
"What? Why you guys being so judge lately?"
Finn just shrugged his shoulders and didn't bother to listen to their replies. But he was smiling.

Bayley was being bombarded with questions. She was with, Sasha, Charlotte, Becky and Carmella.
"It's so obvious! You like him!"
"I do not! I just got over Aaron, I don't like anyone that way right now!"
"Sure sure..."
Bayley was both frustrated and flustered by her friends words. She could already tell her cheeks were going bright red before her friends were able to notice, so she turned away from them to compose herself.

With her back still facing them she told them she was going to check into her hotel room and walked away with her suitcase.
"Did we piss her off?"
"Nah, she just didn't want us to see her blushing." Mercedes knew Bayley the best, she knew that when Bayley blushed she always faced away from people.

"She's in love! Ooh la la!" Carmella laughed with the others while Sasha starred over at Finn.
"She's not the only one of the pair." She knew they liked each other, but how on earth was she going to get them together?

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