Chapter 3

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To say that my father was enraged was an understatement. 'Shit! Shit! Shit!' I thought.

My teammates looked between me and my father trying to figure out who he is and why he knows me, since I never told anyone about my family for the obvious reason.

My father drunkenly made his way to me, passing my teammates, he gripped my collar tightly and harshly whispered
"What the hell do you think your doing outside the house!?"

I didn't answer or even shake my head, I looked away from him and to my team, as I gave them a look to not do anything.

My father followed my gaze and smirked, he then said "So this is where you disappeared to, how about we show them what happens when you disrespect me?"

I quickly shook my head in fear "Use words, you little shit!" My father yelled in my face, I flinched and looked everywhere but my father.

He threw me on the ground, and shouted at me "Your mother would be so disappointed in you! Because you're a useless shit, who doesn't even speak!"

When he mentioned mom, I looked down in shame, knowing he was right.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

Alex yelled, taking a step forward, I shook my head at Alex in fear, but she waved me off.

"Are you seriously going to treat her like that?! Who even are you!" She yelled in anger.

He chuckled lowly, and turned back to me with an evil smile, and said "you haven't even told your friends about me?"

"Have you even told them about you mom?"

He asked with an evil smile and a raised eyebrow.

I shook my head slowly getting up, from the corner of my eye I saw Hope getting her phone out to dial 911, but not call them just yet.

My dad walked back up to me, and looked me dead in the eyes, "you should have stayed on the floor, you're worthless anyway"he said with so much venom in his voice.

 I was tired of him making me feel like shit in front of my teammates and in general.

I look at him with so much hate, and punched him straight in the jaw, without regret. He crumpled to the ground in pain, and touched his lip to see that it was bleeding.

He looked at me with just as much hate and quickly charged at me, tackling me to the ground. I felt the wind getting knocked out of me, and I could barely breath he straddled me and punched me in the face over and over.

I saw Alex running towards us as she tried to help, Alex wasn't strong enough to pull him off of me, once he felt Alex trying to help me, he turned around he punched her square in the jaw, she fell back with a cry as a couple of my teammates went to go help her up.

I saw Hope calling 911, and soon enough heard sirens, when I saw Alex was in pain, I felt my blood boiling, and I was in rage, I punched my dad in the side of the head which got him to get off of me.

I scrambled up and went over to my dad, I straddled him and punched the shit out of him for a good 5 minutes, until rough hands pulled me off of him.

I saw it was the police, I looked over to where my father was lying unconscious, as a police officer handcuffed him and picked him up to put him in the squad car.

I got out of the police officers hands and made my way over to Alex, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes, I pulled her in a hug, and felt my shirt getting wet, but I didn't care at that moment I just wanted to make sure Alex was okay.

I looked at my team who all wore worried glances, I gave them a reassuring smile and motioned them to come over and join our hug.

They were all crying and asking if I was okay, I nodded and Alex asked "Can we have a sleepover guys?"

We didn't have school till Monday and today was Saturday.

Everyone nodded, and looked at me for an answer, I was worried they would want to talk about what just happened, who that piece of shit was, and what he said about my mom.

I looked into Alex's blue eyes, and she was practically begging me to go, then she started pouting, trying to convince me to come, with her puppy dog eyes.

I tried to resist, but it was to hard to resist those ocean blue eyes, so I just gave in and nodded with a small smile.

Our little team moment was ruined by the police officer who pulled me off of my father not to long ago.

"Hello ladies, sorry to ruin your moment but we have some questions, and would like you all to come down to the station with us."

We nodded, and packed up the rest of our stuff, since I was the main 'victim' they made me ride in the squad car much to Alex's and the team's complaints. I went with two women officers, and decided to just change in the car, because I was smelly. (Outfit above)

We were riding to the station and had got there a few minutes later.

The police officers brought me to the interrogation room, as my teammates stood/ sat behind the 1 way glass

( A/N: idk what it's called).

"Okay let's get started, I'm officer Ramos, I will be interrogating you" the woman said with a friendly smile.

I smiled back and nodded.
"You don't talk much do you?" She asked me as she sat down, I shook my head with sad smile.

"Okay, you can just write in this notebook" she said, I grabbed the notebook and pen from her and the interrogation began.

A/N: another chapter done, thanks for reading, I'll try to do my best to update soon, keep reading!!

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