Chapter 12

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(A/N: You remember the pictures chapter? Yeah? Well I will be updating it when new characters will be coming into the story, just to let you know)

Y/N Pov
Today was my first day of physical therapy, I am ready for anything, well sort of. I want to be at least limping when I meet my parents, why limping because I'm not able to walk fully yet. It turns out I have an ACL tear, they said I would never play again but I want to deny that.  Anyways back to my crippled self now. The doctors wanted me to be in a wheelchair while going back and forth between the physical therapy room, my room, and the bathroom. But I would rather get around by myself, I know I'm stubborn, get used to it. 

The young brown hair doctor named Dr. Taylor came in and updated me on what I would be doing today. "Hey Y/N, how are you" Dr. Taylor asked, I nodded with a half smile, somewhat happy for being able to start my physical therapy, and then not so happy because I didn't want to feel even more f a crippled if I didn't get what my trainer is asking me. I didn't want to fail.

 "Alrighty then, let's go shall we?" Dr. Taylor said, he passed me my crutches and helped me stabilize on them before opening the door for me. I nodded at him with a small smile and crunched down to the physical therapy room. He opened the door for me again and I thanked him as well and crutched in. 

"Hello there" a nice young woman said, I smiled at her and Dr. Taylor went up and shook her hand, "Hello Dr. Ross" "Hey Taylor" the woman said jokingly, they both stared into each other's eyes for quite awhile before I cleared my throat, and they both backed away from each other blushing. "Sorry, alright what's your name," Dr. Ross said, Dr. Taylor answered for me and said, "this is Y/N L/N, she plays soccer but recently had an ACL tear, she can no longer play but she still wants to try and get better." 

Wow, he practically summed up everything. "Okay, got it" we will begin with some stretching just for today" Dr. Ross said, as she lead us to a room filled with yoga mats. "okay Dr. Taylor please help her onto the nat, and I'll take it from there" Dr. Ross said, she positioned her own mat onto the floor and waited patiently for Dr. Taylor to help me. 

I was sitting on my mat, tried out from just trying to sit down without killing my knee. "okay that will be all Dr. Taylor, thank you" Dr. Ross said to him with a small blush on her face. Dr. Taylor waved nervously and rushed out of the room, Dr. Ross turned back to me and said: "alright Y/N lets get started."

Skip Physical Therapy...

By the end of just trying some strecthes with my knee I was ready to cry, everything was painful and sore, why probably because I havent been out of bed for a week, my stamia is going to go down fo rsoccer too, at least im eating healthy. 

"Okay Y/N, i know this first seccession was a bit rough, but you made very good progress, and if continue like this for 2 weeks you might be able to walk on it, but still with crutches. I nodded and grabbed my crutches, Dr. Ross held otu her hand for me to take, and which i gladly did. We crutched back to my room where Dr. taylor had just arrived as well and held the door open fo rme, i nodded at him as a thank you, and went to my bed, i successfully managed to hop onto the bed without killing myself, and just laid there.

 Dr. Ross and Dr. Taylor were both whispering in the corner, like teenaged girls gossiping about some guy in high school. Both doctors came over to my bed with small smiles on their faces, I looked at them weirdly becuase they looked like they were about to kill me or something, Dr. Ross put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a big smile, "guess what Y/N?" Dr. taylor said. 

I shrugged looking at them while secretly eyeing the big red nurse buttn just in case, "your temporary parents, Aria and Ezra Montgomery are here to see you" Dr. ross said, I smiled at them since i was going to se them. now you might be think why didnt your teporary parents come visit you before, well im a dick and didnt ket them, i didnt watn them to see me in a fragile sate, i at least wanted to wait a coupld more days when i didnt look so fragile. 

but I guess they are persistent and wanted to see me, and I really wanted to see them as well. I nodded my head at the doctors and pointed towards the door to tell them to go get Aria adn Ezra, the doctors nodded and headed out of my room to go and get them. 

I waited impatiently for the temporary parents that I have learned to love and respect in such a small amount of time that I have been with them. The door swung open and in came a small figure running toward me, Aria hugged me tight and I felt hot tears on my hospital gown, I rubbed her back soothingly and kept saying 'shh' in her ear. 

She finally pulled away and Ezra came and ugged me a little softer this time, and he whispered "I missed ya kid" I patted his back letting him know that I heard him and I was reciprocating the feeling. "Well we will leave you guys, just push the button if you need to get a nurse," Dr. Taylor said, as he and Dr. Ross walked out of my room and to wherever the heck they were going. 

"Hey Y/N we missed you, why wouldn't you let us see you?" Aria asked while she was drying her tears on her sleeves. I found a paper next to my bed and a pen and wrote down 'i didn't want you guys to see me like I was weak' I showed it to them and looked down at my hands, they both put their hands on mine and I looked up at them. 

"we would never see you as weak, your one of the strongest people we know, don't ever forget that," Ezra said. "yeah, your tough kid and this was a setback in your life but it's not the end and we'll be there throughout your whole recovery, okay?" Aria said, I nodded and went to hug them.

 "But we need to talk," Aria said, uh oh that didn't sound too good, I nodded and motion them to continue, "Your foster parents, really want to meet you, and they would like you to live with them starting tomorrow," Aria said worriedly, I sat back and pondered it wouldn't be so bad since I did want to meet them but not in crutches, but at least ill be out of the hospital. 

"They also said that they will take you to all of your physical therapy appointments,  they are very busy business women and have date nights on Saturdays since its really only one of their days off, and they said that you can stay the night at our place if you want, but you'll go back on Sundays," Aria said while looking at me trying to read my thoughts. 

These people are perfect, and they are making time in their schedules to take me to my appointments and pick me up from the appointment, and let me stay the night at ARia and Ezra's house, sounds like a deal. I nodded at Aria with a smile, letting her know that I am more than happy to go with them.

 "Okay then ill give them a call and let them know you alright with the plan, you'll meet them tomorrow after your physical therapy appointment, and we will pack up your stuff from our house and take it over to their house for you okay?" Aria explained while getting her phone out.

 We were interrupted by the door opening and in came Dr. Taylor, "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over and we need to get Y/N to bed so she can have energy for tomorrow's lesson" he explained, Aria and Ezra nodded sadly and we all hugged for the last time tonight, "we'll see you tomorrow kid" Ezra said, Aria nodded and got up with Ezra and they both left my room. 

"Goodnight Y/N," Dr. Taylor said as he turned out the lights and closed the door to my room. I sat there with a smile on my face lucky that life was going to turn around for me, it about damn time. 

(A/N: Update on Sunday's like I promised, see I'm great, jk but anyway for the English teacher book, it will won't be updated for awhile so sorry about that, but this one will be updating, next chapter you'll meet your new foster parents,and some other stuff will happen)

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