Chapter 4

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"Okay, we're just going to question what happened at the fields, and a few other things about this man who hurt you, to put him away okay?"

Ms. Ramos said in a careful tone. I nodded and she continued "I have to repeat your answer aloud into the mic, not to make you feel bad, but because I could get in trouble, okay?"

I wrote 'I understand Ms. Ramos' she smiled gratefully and said "Alrighty then, let's begin, first question, who was that man who hit you?"

My dad.

Her eyes widened a bit and she repeated what I wrote in the mic. "Next question, what went down at the park?" She asked.

'My father was angry at me for leaving the house, so he punished me'

She read my answer aloud in the mic again. She nodded "Next question, why are you not allowed outside of your house?"

'Well it's more of not asking him for permission, but I can't because I just can't' I wrote.

She then read my answer aloud again into the mic, "Next question, does you father always punish you by punching you, or was this a one time thing?"

Ms. Ramos asked next.

'Uhh...pretty much, usually when I don't do something he asks, or I get in trouble at school, he usually beats me with a beer bottle, his fists, and sometimes even a belt.' I wrote as I looked down.

"Hey it's okay Y/N, you have nothing to be ashamed of" Ms. Ramos said in a caring tone.

I looked back up and gave her a small smile.

She repeated what I wrote into the mic, and said "okay last question, where is your mom? And does she know what's going on between you and your dad?" She asked.

My eyes widened in fear, and sadness, I grabbed my necklace that my mom had given to me, when I was upset or nervous I always grabbed it to feel safe, or calm me down. 

(A/N: Necklace above)

I looked down as my vision got blurry from the tears that were threatening to fall. I was lost in my thoughts, as my demons were consuming my head, letting out my insecurities, and fears. I couldn't really hear anything because I felt that i was suffering from a panic attack.

Ms. Ramos POV

I saw Y/N having a panic attack, from when I asked that question, she was in her own world.

I quickly got up and went over to Y/N and pulled her into a hug as I whispered "calm down Y/N. You're safe. It's okay."

Y/N seemed to snap out of her trance, she looked up at me with sad eyes as she reciprocated the hug.

She started sobbing on my shoulder for a good 5 minutes before she pulled away and wiped her face.

"Thank you" she barely whispered, if it weren't absolutely silent in here I wouldn't have been able to hear her.

"Of course sweetie, you don't have to answer that question if you don't want to" I said to her in a soft tone.

She shook her head and sat back down to write something in the notebook.

'I need to'

She wrote, I nodded and sat back down as well to continue interview with her.


I'm so glad that Ms.Ramos was my interviewer, I looked up into her kind eyes and help up one finger and pointed down to the notebook as if I were telling her 'wait really quick, I have to write down what happened'

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