Chapter 3

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The night shift turned out to be terribly long until the first break Mila could take to grab something to eat. Still, time had passed so quickly as she was so busy treating all those people in the ER. She had treated more patients in those hours than in a whole week at her old workplace. Mila would count this first half of the shift as successful, as all the patients she was supposed to treat were either on their way home, or led to their hospital rooms. She hadn't gotten close to the OR, but she didn't expect that on her first day. 

Where she hadn't been that successful in was to find someone sighing her papers. As she was shy about directly going to the chief, she pushed that matter back for later and started to ask senior doctors to take over her mentorship. But everyone had refused, either ignoring her or brushing her off with a mumbled comment about 'annoying new residents'. Of course she understood that they all lacked of time, but the secretary had told her that she just needed it signed and that this mentor-thing was more or less non-existent. She gave up after Dr. Blake answered her rueful asked question with an annoyed sigh. 

"Taking mentorship means that everything you screw up in the OR comes back at the senior, implying that he or she taught you wrong. Usually, the residents are here from their first day after med school, so the seniors can pick their favorite pupils out and find trust in them. You missed that spot. Sorry." 

It was clear that she didn't feel any pity, as the 'sorry' was spat out in an aggressive tone and Mila got the message that she should just vanish. With a defeated look, she went into the cafeteria and got into the long row waiting for a snack. She was surprised that even the cafeteria was busy at that time in the night. Back in her home town, doctors needed to bring their own food for the night shift, as the cafeteria was closed after 8 p.m. But here doctors, residents and seniors, nurses, visitors and other staff sat on chairs while chatting and eating. 

Mila ordered a salad and looked around, trying to find a place to sit. Some residents were gathered around a table and Mila thought about joining them, but then she noticed their lingering stares, as if they wanted to find out if she was real competition or not. They giggled and whispered when she walked past them and found a lone table near the windows. How childish. It was still like in high school, the new one would never really integrate properly. But here it was only worse, because they were all like sharks, trying to bite away everyone that meant competition for what they wanted, in their case surgery experience. They kept the sharks around them that they knew and couldn't get rid of, keeping them in a careful distance but knew their weaknesses. Mila, as the new shark in the pool, was unpredictable to them. But surely they had heard that she was transferred from a small town hospital, so they wouldn't take her seriously. 

Good, I'll enjoy their mouths hanging wide open when they see how good I am, Mila thought while taking a bite off her salad. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when suddenly someone appeared next to her. She nearly chocked on her food as she winced out of surprise. 


Her former patients' boyfriend, Kol Mikaelson, stated snarky. Mila coughed, trying to get herself together again. 

"No, just surprised. What are you doing here? Is Miss Claire fine?" 

Kol looked down at the little doctor. She was so small and didn't even look like the other Labonair he knew. Maybe it was just coincidence. But he had to find out, because coincidence often wasn't the answer to questions in his world. Still Kol was sure that she didn't look like a werewolf. These beasts carried a certain confidence she definitely didn't have. She seemed to shrink under his stare. 

"Well, no, she isn't. Her room is quite too small! And she has to share it! I want that changed. By the way, I wouldn't call that food what you give her. She likes orange juice, make sure someone gets her some." 

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