Chapter 18

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"Sometimes they just forget that there are other people than themselves on the planet when they fight, huh?" 

A voice came up from behind Mila and she turned around startled. In front of her was a beautiful woman she had never seen before. But still Mila could feel what she was, her sensitive senses had found immediately that she also was a wolf. It kind of relaxed Mila. 

"Who are you?" 

The woman smiled kindly. Mila just lifted a brow, not sure if she should trust anyone here.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you. I'm Keelin, Freya's girlfriend. I kind of involuntary eavesdropped on what happened down there and just wanted to tell them that it's just their families thing...8 years apart and they still quarrel like it was yesterday that they were driven apart. You belong to Elijah, don't you?" 

Nodding, Mila took a deep breath and shook Keelin's outstretched hand. Afterwards, she sat back down on the sofa and took a look around the impressive library. She could imagine Elijah spending a lot of time here. 

"Have you known them before everything happened?" 

The other wolf took a seat next to Mila and sighed. 

"Yes, I met Hayley when she looked for cure for Marcel Gerards poison. Then, in captivity, I met Freya." 

She laughed and Mila couldn't help but chuckle. Seems she had a similar twisted mind like Mila had. 

"...Nothing could break this family apart, I tell you. The only thing that could was themselves and it happened. They did it protect Hope. It broke Freya, it took her long to recover. I think you know the story of Elijah loosing his memory of their love for them and so on. How did you got intervened into all this, aside from choosing the wrong boyfriend?"

The wrong boyfriend...Usually Mila would've taken this for as an insult, but coming from Keelin's mouth, someone who knew him before he lost his memory and was into how this family worked, it tasted pretty bitter for her. It was strange that Mila seemed to be the only one here who didn't claim to really know Elijah. But as more as she heard he, she was sure that his own family didn't really know who he was. 

"I'm Hayley's twin sister. Nobody knew of it, not even me...I seem to be a werewolf/witch hybrid, but I only found out some weeks it kind of still feels strange to me. Before I was just an eager young doctor, in the middle of residency..." 

Curiosity lit up in Keelin's features. 

"You're a doctor? I am, too. I work as an trauma surgeon at the local hospital."

Mila smiled widely in surprise. She was the first one to seem interested in the person who she was, not the fact that she was Hayley's twin.

"Oh god, it may sound odd, but it's so good that someone's here that I can talk to outside of all those supernatural-topics...In the beginning I had that with Elijah, too, but it kinda got lost when I triggered my gene." 

Keelin laughed, but suddenly stopped, thinking.

"Wait, Elijah's a doctor, too?" 

"Yeah, he was my chief of surgery. I was the one that fell in love with the boss." 

A slight smile tugged on Mila's lips when she thought back to those carefree times in the hospital, when she fell in love with Elijah. It seemed so long ago now. 

"Wow, I didn't know. Well, probably in a thousand years of lifetime, you can study every subject possible." 

Mila stood up and examined the shelves full of books. They were neatly ordered, but she felt drawn to a specific section. Her hands touched the back of very old, leather bound books. She pulled one out and carefully caressed the leather. Those must be grimoires. 

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