Secrets, Secrets, Secrets

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"Truth, or Dare?" Dusty said, changing his voice to sound spooky at the word "dare". "Um, dare," I answered. He grinned maliciously and rubbed his hands together. If this seemed bad, he is two times worse at Halloween. His idea of a haunted house was decorating it to actually look spooky. He painted it so it would appear rusty and old, made it dark, threw weeds all over, just made our apartment the definition of a real life pedophile's home. The kids who were brave enough to come up were showered in an endless supply of candy. Soon, rumor spread and our house was the most visited. That made Dusty up his game a little and put donut sugar on his face and the jelly on his cheeks to mimic a vampire, which he always dressed up as. All of us had fun licking it off when the night was finished. "I dare you to allow me to serve you dinner! Mwahahaha!!!!" He fake cackled. I groaned. "Girl, just drink the smoothie," Kianna said, understanding my pain. And I did. For a moment, it looked like something took away Dusty's smile, but it was only for a moment. I pushed it out of my head. Dusty always smiled. I was probably getting fuzzy from the drink.

We played a few more rounds then went to bed. I couldn't sleep though. Too obsessed with my iPad, like always. I heard a knocking on my door. "Who is it?" I asked, my attention focused on it. "Kianna," a voice replied. "You sure? Because if you're a robber or something, be warned, I know karate!" I joked. Kianna laughed, knowing full well the time I actually attended her karate class that I spent all my time waving my arms and legs around like a penguin trying to fly or as if I was keeping my balance on a thin line over a height. Thin line over a height. Why did that spark something in my memory? I pushed it away as Kianna opened the door, closed it, and sat on the edge of my bed. Sarcasm by Get Scared was playing on my iPad. Kianna was a fan of the classics and listened to crap like Mozart and Beethoven. She probably thought the stuff I listened to was crap also. I guess we were even there. "Ah, here to gush about thy lover, Juliet? Romeo appears to be such an attractive fellow, but alas, can he be faithful to ye?" I mocked. We both burst out laughing. "Okay, okay, I get it. I'm head over heels for him, you don't have to remind me. But no, I came here for a little girl talk." "Oh really? About what?" I inquired. "Well, as you know, my birthday's coming up pretty soon," said Kianna. "Ohhhhh. Is that what the big circle on the calendar that said 'IMPORTANT' meant? I thought it was just the day that Dusty takes that monumental dump he's been telling/bragging about lately!" I sarcastically remarked. Again, another fit of laughter. It was true. Dusty, being a man, was bragging that one day he'd take a dump that lasted 2 hours and he was getting prepared for it too. Each day, he took longer to get off the toilet. It's a good thing we have 2 bathrooms, otherwise this place would be dirtier than a pigsty.

"Anyways, I was planning for us, just you and me, to go to Chicago. You know I've always dreamed of going there!" Kianna stated. "Of course. You know, I bet if we visit the Beatrice Prior memorial, she'll rise out of the dead and say, 'Thank you, Kianna Meritt for being my most devoted follower. As a gift, accept this ghost hug," I joked. She playfully punched me. "Stop, I'm not that obsessed!" she defended. "Riiiiiiiiiight," I fake agreed. "It's just, she was so brave, you know. She sacrificed herself to save the people of Chicago, to save her brother. She even left her lover behind," Kianna reminded me, dazed. "Yeah, while she was brave, think about the damaged people she left behind. Tobias Eaton, imagine the pain he went through after she left. He hasn't experienced the happiest childhood. And her brother, she abandoned her only family without a second thought!" I claimed. "Do you believe everything you read on Wikipedia?" Kianna inquired. "A lot of people go on there, so they could change anything." "Yeah, but a lot of people go on there so they can fix it and add new, true information," I interjected. Kianna sighed. We'd never see eye - to - eye on the whole Tris issue, but that was okay because we agreed on most everything else. Most. "So, what do ya say? Wanna go?" "Yeah, yes of course!!! Anything to get away from Mrs. Figeroua!" I cheered, almost squealed. Kianna laughed. "Great! We leave in a week," she added as she started to leave the room. She stopped at the door. "Oh, and, I also planned that you might, you know, lose your virginity." I fake gasped. "Ask a noblewoman like me to imitate a common whore? How dare thou ask it of thee!" Kianna laughed. "No, but seriously. Dusty lost it as 17 and I at 19. Maybe you should get rid of it. After all, sex is mind - blowingly good," Kianna informed me. "No thanks. I'm just waiting for the right guy, I guess," I explained. "But you've never even had one boyfriend! Pretty please," she begged. "I'll think about it," I lied. She grinned. "Yay!" she squeaked and left. I smiled, turned off the music and my iPad, and went to sleep.

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