Web of Secrets

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"Dusty! What are you doing here?!" I exclaim, accidentally allowing Elijah's leash to slip through my fingers like butter. Overjoyed, he races across the fields. Sh*t. "Uh, Kianna called me. Told me everything," he explains, eyes stuck to the ground, hands asleep in his pockets. "Oh," I express, words abandoning me at the moment. Now, he looks up at me, tears swimming in his eyes. "Did you really think I would do that to you against your will?" he asks, pain coloring his eyes. "Amber, I love you," he whispers as a tear climbs down his cheek. "Dusty, did you not feel me try to push you off?" I question. He lightly shakes his head, shame plastered across his face. Elijah barks and chases after a squirrel like an officer a criminal. "Dusty, you don't love me. You most likely love Kianna and just don't know how to process it, so you're taking out your emotions on me. That's all," I lie, knowing full well he thinks of Kianna as nothing more than a close friend. Still, I try to convince him otherwise. Again, he slightly shakes his head, bottom lip puckering as more tears gently depart from his eyes. "Amber, please, listen to me," he begs. Taking my silence as an okay, he continues. "Do you remember, last Christmas, Kianna was visiting an old friend and I warmed up some expired microwaveable food for us to share?" he asks. I nod, unsure of where he's going with this. "We both wondered why there were black spots on it and you said it might be expired. But, you also said that it didn't matter. That what really mattered was that two friends could eat expired food while watching Tv together with the heater turned up to its highest setting. As we were eating, I took a long, hard look at you. Your eyes were alight, putting the lights on the Christmas tree to shame. Your expression so bright, you could have replaced the lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. It was then that I decided that any woman willing to do this with me and not throw a fit, she had to be the one. Ever since last Christmas, I have been in love with you. And as time went on, I fell deeper and deeper into the perpetual abyss named love. Amber, I'm not escaping any time soon; I'm only going to fall deeper and deeper. All I'm hoping for is for you to fall right along with me. Only then will I be truly content and happy. Please, Amber, let me love you with my heart, body, and soul. Allow me to shower you with kisses and affection. Be mine, and I promise I'll fight away your demons," Dusty declared, a fountain of water pouring from his eyes as if he was a water fountain. These tears, however, were not concocted of melancholy, but rather love. He loved me so much, it was killing him. And he couldn't care less. He wasn't lying, he actually did have feelings for me. Maybe, in another life, I would hold affections for him as well. But, this is not another life.


As I was turning the Tv off and preparing for bed, I heard footsteps echo in the hallways. Thinking nothing of it, I pulled up the covers. Then, a wagging tail slapping furniture and excited barking. Elijah! The door opens and closes quietly. Well, as quietly as one could close a door. I rushed to my window. It was Tris! She was just taking Elijah out for a late - night walk. As much as sleep appealed to me, stalking Tris was another excuse to postpone sleep, and so, grabbing my jacket, I discreetly sprinted after her.

She seemed to bump into someone, a man of whom I did not recognize. But, I had bigger fish to fry as she had accidentally let Elijah go, and one of that dog's many talents was getting lost. So, I hurried to reach him.

He pounced on me and drowned me in his wet kisses. "Okay, okay boy! I get it! Now, let me just get ahold of your leash!" I whisper, hand scouring the grassy land for it. Finally, my hand made contact with it and firmly grasped it. Elijah led the way for most of the walk, but I made sure that he didn't stray too far away from home. My phone began ringing, and eager not to alert anyone of my presence, I quickly answered it. "Hey, Dad," I whispered. "Jason, why are you whispering?" he questions. "You know, every time you call someone, you fail to say a 'hello' or 'hi'. Did you notice?" I ask, moving farther away from the pair. He sighs. "Hello. Now, where are you?" he barks. "At the park. Just thought I'd walk Elijah. Why?" "What? It's 11:00 PM and you thought a late night walk was a good idea? Seriously, Jason, do you have any idea what can happen to a child your age with no adult supervision, at a park in the middle of the night, all alone?" he scolds. "I'm not alone; I'm with Tris," I blurt. Whoops! "I wondered where she was. Stay close to her, alright? Don't leave her side for anything. I'm coming," Dad orders. With that, he hangs up. Sighing, I put my phone back in my pocket and continue with Elijah's walk.

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